
Trump appears to be shifting immigration tone

Sophomore Kianna Reed said Trump’s comments make her feel like he’s downplaying an entire race. “If you are here illegally, you have to stay out.” she said.


“So you have somebody who’s been in the country for 20 years, has done a great job, and everything else”, Trump said.

Poor Conway had better get used to explaining what her candidate must have meant as opposed to what he actually said.

During a rally in OH, the Republican presidential candidate repeatedly posed the question to African Americans, “What do you have to lose?”

And as trump is now reshaping some of his message he’s started debate prep. Sources tell ABC news trump will be watching Clinton’s past debate performances from her senate and presidential campaigns and still getting advice from roger Ailes and eventually, George, he will be holding mock debates with someone standing in as Hillary Clinton.

The spot effectively portrays just how risky Donald Trump would be as commander-in-chief as he has repeatedly proposed reckless foreign policies, claims he knows more about ISIS than the generals, and says he gets his military advice from “the shows”.

“After the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Department of Justice whitewash of the Clinton email crimes, they certainly can not be trusted to quickly or impartially investigate Hillary Clinton’s crimes”, he said. He criticized Attorney General Loretta Lynch for meeting privately with former President Bill Clinton as the department’s probe was underway.

Some former prosecutors have even suggested that the coordination between the pay-for-play State Department and the corrupt Clinton Foundation constitute a clear example of a RICO (Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organisation) enterprise, Trump claimed.

Trump has declared that “the era of economic surrender is over”.

Andrew Weinstein and more than 100 other Republicans wrote an open letter to Priebus earlier this month urging the RNC to ditch Trump and focus on Senate and House candidates. Strategists say Trump can still advocate for conservative immigration policy with little risk of losing his supporters. He said his father will discuss his immigration plan this week. “That wall will go up so fast your head will spin”.

Black voters’ distrust and dislike of Trump – some polls show him at just 1 or 2 percent – are deep seated, going back to his incessant questioning of President Obama’s birth country. “When I say watch, you know what I’m talking about”.

The Republican presidential nominee had been slated to unveil the proposal Thursday in Denver. “They have produced only poverty, failing schools, and broken homes”, he said.

Trump said in an interview Monday morning that he wants to “come up with a really fair, but firm” immigration policy and then followed this up with a denial in an interview with Fox News that same day that he was “flip-flopping” on the issue of illegal immigration.

Still, there is a spotlight on Trump’s mass deportation proposals in particular, after reports of Trump taking a softer tone on the issue during a roundtable discussion Saturday with Hispanic supporters.


Trump has insisted he is not “flip-flopping” But he told immigration activists he may consider allowing those who have not committed crimes, beyond their immigration offenses, to obtain some sort of legal status.

Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump addresses supporters at the James A. Rhodes Arena