
Trump backers downplay rough week after poll shows him lagging Clinton

Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson will also speak at the gathering Friday at the Colosseum at Caesars Palace. Among young African-Americans, Hispanics and Asian-Americans, most believe the party does care about people like them.


Mr Giuliani alleged that Trump and his campaign is not getting a fair treatment from the media and this is the reason why the Republican presidential nominee has said in the last few days that the U.S. elections would be rigged. “She’s actually not strong enough to be president”. “We in Arizona realize that we’ve got to have meaningful immigration reform – you can’t just throw out platitudes out there about a wall and Mexico paying for it and be taken seriously here”.

On Twitter Sunday, Biden wrote: “No one wants to earn a Purple Heart”.

The Purple Heart acknowledges service members who have been wounded or killed.

Trump and his running mate, Gov. Mike Pence of IN, both campaigned Saturday.

Trump sought to turn the tables on Clinton, who has consistently accused the NY developer of being temperamentally unfit to be president.

That all happened over the course of one week, people, and the lack of political finesse and reactionary nature has seriously dinged the candidate’s popularity.

Seeking to move beyond a week of discord, Trump will outline plans for trade, taxes, regulation and energy policy. He also insinuated that women who experience sexual harassment at their jobs are weak and should find somewhere else to work, and refused to endorse three Republicans enmeshed in reelection races, including House Speaker Paul Ryan, before giving in to partisan pressure to do so.

“Everyone should calm down about it”, Trump adviser Rudy Giuliani, the former NY mayor, told ABC News on Sunday.

Donald Trump mocked Democratic rival Hillary Clinton for saying that she had “short-circuited” when discussing her email controversy.

Throughout the campaign, Trump has shown a remarkable ability to bounce back from troubles that would have poleaxed other politicians. Giuliani spoke on ABC’s “This Week”.

With only six of the 538 electoral votes in the 2016 presidential election, Iowa again will play a significant role in what is expected to be a close race between Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Hillary Clinton, given its place among the sub-cluster of battleground states that could swing November’s outcome either way. He later said he supported all three.

“It presents a great opportunity, mainly because of Hillary Clinton’s negatives”.

A Democrat like President Barack Obama, Clinton will be buoyed by figures released on Friday showing USA employment rose more than expected for a second month in a row in July and wages picked up, bolstering expectations of faster economic growth.

“She’s a liar. She is a awful, terrible human being”, Trump told a crowd of supporters gathered in a sweltering New Hampshire high school gym. He leads Clinton by 28 points in those counties now (55%-27%).

Mr Trump spent the lion’s share of a campaign speech in a crowded high school gymnasium to go after Mrs Clinton on the subject in trying to raise questions about her trustworthiness.

By the end of the week, a flurry of new polls showed Trump’s support plummeting even farther.

In the interview, Clinton suggested FBI Director James B. Comey had concluded that her public statements about her use of a private email server while secretary of State were truthful.


The economic advisory group includes no women and numerous members come from hedge funds and investment banking, a make-up at odds somewhat with Trump’s populist message.

Trump ends a tough week on a high note in Windham