
Trump backers plan protest of Colorado vote

Over the last few days, Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus appeared to respond to Trump’s complaints. Idaho Gov. Butch Otter will speak for Ohio Gov. John Kasich. Despite Trump’s steep climb to win 1,237 delegates before the Cleveland convention, Brookover insisted a contested convention simply wouldn’t happen and that Trump was on a “glide path” to the nomination.


Among self-identified Republicans, he barely manages a net favorable rating, with just 53 percent saying they have a positive opinion of their party’s frontrunner. Ted Cruz in third place at 16 percent. You’ve already won your home state of Canada.

It’s not completely clear what would happen with his delegates under either scenario. “The Cruz guys have a solid ground game and a lot of their delegates are known in the Republican community”, Fields said. His argument was that he hadn’t ended his candidacy but merely suspended it.

In our interview and in other conversations, Haugland has cited the GOP’s convention Rules 37 and 38.

“According to our state law, (delegates) are bound on each ballot”, Pollard said. The delegates’ names won’t be made public until the national party certifies them, which could take two weeks.

It’s one reason the Cruz campaign has aggressively courted delegates who could be free to choose a candidate on the first or subsequent ballots.

Trump’s is strongest in the rural areas of the state, from the northeast corner into central Pennsylvania, where he gets 48 percent of the vote compared with 24 percent for Cruz and 20 percent for Kasich. Cruz joked that he was in the middle of watching The Princess Bride for the 843rd time and Trump proceeded to tell Cruz about Hillary Clinton’s performance during the debate. “Look, Donald. I’m not gonna pander to New Yorkers”, he said, pandering seconds later.

The poll found Trump was still the favored frontrunner with 42 percent of primary voters, but Texas Senator Ted Cruz had closed the cap with 29 percent of voters supporting him, a growth of seven percent since last month.


“He brings decades of experience, and his deep ties to political leaders and activists across the country will be a tremendous asset as we enter the final phase of securing the nomination”, Trump said in a statement.

Jimmy Fallon as Donald Trump and Ted Cruz