
Trump Basically Encourages Russia to Hack Clinton Emails

“I mean, they will discover her yoga lesson schedule”.


He then turned his guns on Clinton’s email scandal dating back to her time as secretary of state and more than 30,000 emails which she deleted on grounds they were personal and not related to her job as America’s top diplomat.

Republican Party’s presidential nominee Donald Trump has said that he was “being sarcastic” when he suggested that Russian Federation should find Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton’s missing emails.

Although Clinton did release some 30,000 emails, it was her own aides – not the Federal Bureau of Investigation or state department – who decided which emails were personal and which were work-related. Attorney General Loretta Lynch ultimately decided not to pursue criminal charges against Clinton. If there is no outcry about Trump’s behavior from responsible Republicans, the party will be setting a risky precedent that its members, not to mention the country, will come to regret. “That’s not hyperbole. Those are just the facts”. “But to suggest that a foreign power hack into the email system of a national political party – one of two major political parties – that was so far over the line that I believe that the statement should be condemned”.

But only Ross called Trump’s comment unsafe. His brief remarks managed to divert attention from an embarrassing leak of other hacked emails that exposed sensitive internal political communications that had divided Democrats.

“Anytime Russia is involved in hacking is a major concern”, Gardner said in an interview with the Coloradoan. More recently, he went further by declaring that if Russian Federation invaded one of the neighboring Baltic countries – known as the “captive nations” when they were occupied by the Red Army – he’d first have to consider whether they have fulfilled their financial obligations to North Atlantic Treaty Organisation before defending them.

A U.S. State Department spokesman declined to comment on Trump’s remarks on Wednesday. Trump retorted when asked if he’d tell Putin to stay out of the election.

He said: “I’m not going to tell Putin what to do”. “I never met Putin”. His running mate, Mike Pence, released a statement vowing there would be “serious consequences” if Russian Federation was determined to be behind the hacks.

“This just is beyond my own understanding of the responsibilities that candidates have to be loyal to their country and to their country alone, not to reach out to somebody like Putin and Russian Federation, and try to engage them in an effort to try to, in effect, conduct a conspiracy against another party”, he said. Trump went on to say he would consider recognizing Crimea as Russian territory and lifting sanctions against the country. “He has been a disaster for Israel”.

The quote comes from Trump’s answer at a Fox Business debate, but he was responding to a question specifically on raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour.

But he added that “states should really call the shots”.


– During the week of the Democratic National Convention when the focus was supposed to be on Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump found a way to steal the spotlight. “I think that kind of statement reflects that he is truly not qualified to be president of the United States”. “His views of the world as he says don’t jive and the world is a mess”, he said.

MSNBC host Chuck Todd