
Trump boasts he could shoot somebody and still not lose votes

“I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose any voters, OK?”


During the campaign rally, Trump also contrasted himself with rivals such as Texas senator Ted Cruz, his most serious challenger in the state, and went after conservative radio host Glenn Beck, who will be appearing at two rallies with Cruz. According to a new Fox News poll, something seems to be working for Donald Trump’s campaign.

Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush are all seeking to beat expectations in Iowa, then be a top finisher in New Hampshire. The truth is that the Republican candidate, Donald Trump, is known for speaking his mind, and his latest outburst has many outraged because some feel it is outright racist.

“Should I do it just for fun?”

Trump on Saturday also raised the subject of Cruz’s previously undisclosed loans he received from Goldman Sachs and Citibank to finance his political campaign that propelled him to the Senate.

Trump now sits out front with 34 percent support among Republican caucus-goers, up 11 points from the 23 percent he got in a similar poll two weeks ago.

Beck officially endorsed presidential candidate Ted Cruz on Saturday while at a rally at Faith Bible College in Iowa.

“The way I read what he (Bloomberg) said is if I didn’t get the nomination, he might consider it”, Clinton said on NBC’s Meet the Press.

He claimed one Republican candidate “for over 60 years of his life” supported so-called partial-birth abortion and a “Bernie Sanders-style socialised medicine for all”.

Cruz, running close with Trump in Iowa polls, was nearly entirely focused on the billionaire in his Ankeny event, as he professed core conservative values and drew a sharp contrast with Trump on issue after issue, without using his name. “And that’s why I believe we’re doing as well as we are”.

Jill Kozeny, Grassley’s chief of staff, told the Post that he will not endorse anyone in the Iowa caucus.

Fueled by a deep anti-Washington energy from the start of his unlikely presidential campaign, Trump has nonetheless indicated recently that he is open to bridging divisions between the GOP’s activist wing and party leaders in Washington.

The most brilliant comedians know when something is so good that you don’t even have to change the words to make people laugh.


They say I have the most loyal people.

Donald Trump: My supporters would stick with me if I shot someone