
Trump Booed by Conservative Crowd After Attacks on Cruz

Donald Trump and Ted Cruz spar at last week’s Republican presidential debate in North Charleston, S.C. Trump, the real estate mogul, and Cruz, the Texas senator, are on a collision course. “Nobody in Congress likes him”. It just goes to show it doesn’t really matter if you’re black or white; if you’re citizenship is questioned, people will bandwagon for the chance to get rid of someone they don’t deem American enough.


“And Mr. Trump argued that Obamacare should be expanded to make it socialized medicine”, he added.

“We will build a wall”, Cruz said, agreeing with one of Trump’s signature positions.

Trying to prove Trump is not the conservative he says he is, Cruz’s campaign released a video entitled “Donald Trump’s New York Values” that linked to a 1999 interview Trump did on NBC’s “Meet the Press” in which Trump declared he favored a woman’s right to abortion and supported gay marriage.

Cruz supporter Dan Gleason of Windham, New Hampshire, said Cruz stands out from the pack because of his apparent commitment to upholding the Constitution.

“I don’t want to put words in your mouth, but you’ve said it without saying it”, the radio host said.

Any pretense at civility vaporized during last Thursday night’s sixth GOP presidential debate, when Cruz berated Trump for raising the “birther issue” only after he had begun to slip in the polls.

“He’s a total hypocrite”, he said.

In Portsmouth, Trump also reacted to the reported news about American prisoners being released from Iran and questioned whether the United States was getting a poor bargain.

Trump continued to tout the first-in-the-nation primary, and promised to protect the early states in the nominating process, if elected President.

Cruz used eminent domain to portray the billionaire as a land grabber saying, “Donald Trump has said he thinks eminent domain is fantastic, and he supports using government power to seize private people’s homes, to give them to giant corporations to, say, hypothetically build a casino”.

There is, as Cruz was the latest to learn, no way to best Trump in demagoguery. Ted Cruz are leading the field in Iowa, according to polls.

Cruz’s citizenship has been a hot topic ever since Donald Trump has started targeting the Texas senator.

Trump, however, Saturday accused Cruz of purposely withholding information on the loans. But as I watched him, I felt I could nearly hear him working out the political calculation in his head: “I’m going to lose NY anyway and most people in the country agree with this…” and I couldn’t help thinking he was walking into a minefield.


“It’s important to get the contrast between two different candidates”, said ME resident Nick Godin who drove to both events in New Hampshire Monday with his friends.

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