
Trump breaks Fox News ‘boycott’ after 1 week

Whenever a new talking head came on screen, Trump offered a scouting report based on the overriding factor of how he or she had treated him.


O’Reilly later calls Trump and asks, “What’s your beef?”

August 7, 2015: Trump criticizes Fox News and Megyn Kelly after the debate.

Coles noted that Kelly’s “punch didn’t seem that strong”.

Kelly smiled as she announced Donald Trump’s lead was declining, while While Carson, Fiorina, Bush, and Rubio were all gaining strength. “I don’t do smatterings”, he said, spitting out the word. It could be affecting her ratings as well as she hasn’t been as close to Bill O’Reilly in overall numbers for the past three weeks. “That appeals to a lot of people, and when he is upset at someone, he fights even harder”.

Coles steered the conversation to whether the country is ready for a female president.

“I will probably end up paying more money, but at the same time I think the economy will do better, so I’ll make it up that way”, he told CNN.

Although Kelly refrained from criticism of any candidate throughout the talk, she did offer one light jab at Clinton, who is navigating how to reveal a warmer side while remaining presidential.

He kept browbeating me to “write fairly” about him, meaning that I should do a full and proper rendering of the Trump Phenomenon – the full degree to which it is, as he so often says, yooooge. Get your favorite presidential bumper sticker here! “It’s a tough balance between being relatable and showing a softer side and still maintaining the dignity of the office that you seek”.

“He’s not a politician”, Kelly pointed out Monday.


“Would you fill it?”

Megyn Kelly debate