
Trump brings cancer patient onstage at rally

The event will take place on campus at the William H. Pitt Center.


Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks before introducing his newly selected vice presidential running mate Mike Pence, governor of IN, during an event at the Hilton Midtown Hotel, July 16, 2016 IN New York City.

Tickets can be requested by clicking on schedule at

Petillo said the university understands that reaction, but added how any political candidate would elicit similar responses.

“Should we use that criteria, we would eliminate candidates from both parties and would be absent from the discussion and the democratic process”, he wrote.

“Donald Trump stands for everything we in CT stand against”.

He said voters have a choice between a “you’re fired” president in Trump and a “you’re hired” president in Clinton; between a “me first” president and a president who puts the country first.

CT has not voted for a Republican for president since 1988. Rose says that’s why he suspects there’s more to Trump’s visit.

Trump glanced off stage and addressed Brancato several times throughout the rally, at one point when he was promising to build a wall along the Mexican border. “There’s no reason for him to be in CT”.


Fairfield Democrat Phil Dwyer said on the Fairfield Democrats Facebook page that they will “show Trump that he’s not welcome here”. Romano said he’s not surprised by the tactic, adding how it was done when former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney ran for president.

Trump at rally Maine