
Trump Calls For The Death Penalty For ‘Anybody Killing A Policeman’

Protests are expected in Portsmouth Thursday as presidential candidate Donald Trump arrives for a campaign event. Applause broke out, drowning out the Republican frontrunner. Many disputed the idea that Trump is racist, and echoed the Republican front runner’s television appearances in which he said the ban would only be temporary.


The proposal for an executive order mandating the death penalty is quintessential Trump – it has no legal plausibility, but it amplifies his strongman persona. His campaign manager and spokeswoman did not respond to a request for such details. He said the union had a clear message to consider what the next U.S. president is going to do “to unite this country in an effort to save police officers”.

The Hill reports the organization has long believed President Obama doesn’t do enough to support officers.

“If my choice is between supporting somebody that lies and somebody who’s insane, I’m going to vote for the liar”, he said.

Trump may not be aware, but 19 states have outlawed capital punishment, so it remains unclear, as always, exactly how he will enforce these increasingly weird laws.

Jerry Flynn, the executive director of the police union, explained why it endorsed Trump.

“We’ve got to let our police have the finest equipment and the finest training, and if we don’t, we’re making a tremendous mistake as a country”, Trump said.

Trump told the crowd there is no more time for political correctness.

“They saw bombs sitting on the floor. Donald Trump was the only one who showed up”, Flynn said. Actually, we don’t even need to go back that far. Oh OK, she sees pipe bombs sitting all over the place didn’t want to racially profile.

The private event attracted dozens of protesters outraged by the billionaire businessman’s proposal. A band played and activists sang. The nonpartisan group says they plan to hold signs that read “Love is Stronger than Hate” and “We Welcome Refugees”.

“This is not about racism”, Basset said.

“The things he has been spewing out…” In polls taken last weekend, he had the support of just over a third of GOP voters, with a CBS/New York Times survey released Thursday putting him at 35 percent.

“The Muslim belief — in my opinion, that belief does not belong in this country”, she said.

British politicians – including David Cameron and London mayor Boris Johnson -condemned his remarks but Chancellor George Osborne rejected calls to ban Trump, instead calling for a “robust debate” to defeat his “nonsense”. Several other officers declined to comment on the endorsement.


“And we invited every candidate to come to our forum, every candidate”.

May: Trump needs to be 'very careful' with his comments