
Trump calls Ted Cruz ‘a nasty guy’

Ted Cruz, long reluctant to directly criticize Donald Trump, threw caution to the wind Saturday as he ripped his Republican presidential opponent as a fake conservative.


During his speech, the Republican adopted a surprising attitude, unthinkable a week ago, mocking Donald Trump and presenting his SC supporters the outline of what is likely to be his argument until the polls on February 20. He also derided the Texan, for a second day, on the recent disclosure of low-interest loans obtained from Goldman Sachs Group and Citigroup in 2012 that weren’t noted in campaign finance reports at the time. Cruz, who polls indicate is actually leading Trump in Iowa ahead of the February 1 caucuses, has been embroiled in controversy over the loans for failing to list them on his Federal Election Commission (FEC) reporting statements. “Nobody likes him, nobody in Congress likes him, nobody likes him anywhere once they get to know him”, Trump said in an interview airing on ABC’s “This Week”… She lives in NY. “I think that’s a huge difference”.

“I mean, you give a campaign contribution to Ted Cruz, you get whatever the hell you want, OK?”

Earlier Saturday, Cruz fired back at Trump for his claims that Cruz’s definition of NY values is offensive.

“Here in New Hampshire if Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not get a Republican Governor, we will lose the New Hampshire state senate, and we could lose the New Hampshire state house”.

Cruz was conferred American citizenship at birth because his mother is an American citizen, and legal experts have largely agreed that would qualify him for natural-born citizenship. “Number one, I feel guilty because I’m $35 million under budget”, he said. “I am already hearing more and more people getting fed up with the low road you’re taking against Cruz, which has obviously intensified this morning”.

“I think the American people is looking for a commander in chief who is stable and steady and a calm hand to keep this country safe”, Cruz added.

Trying to prove Trump is not the conservative he says he is, Cruz’s campaign released a video entitled “Donald Trump’s New York Values” that linked to a 1999 interview Trump did on NBC’s “Meet the Press” in which Trump declared he favored a woman’s right to abortion and supported gay marriage. “They don’t want, I believe, a commander in chief who wakes up obsessed with the latest polls and driven to issue a frenzy of tweets”.

Cruz insists he will not turn the battle with Trump into a personal war, sticking closely to policy contrasts.

The first-term senator’s backers say his message can consolidate enough conservative support to do well in New Hampshire, which tends to favor more moderate Republicans.


Millennials polled 56% saying he is eligible to be president, but 26% said they were not sure.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump talks with supporters before meeting with volunteers at the local Pizza Ranch restaurant Friday Jan. 15 201