
Trump camp: Clinton tax returns a ‘distraction’ from larger scandal

Trump has said that he’s under an audit by the Internal Revenue Service and won’t release his returns until that audit is concluded – which may not happen before the November 8 election.


Presidential candidates typically release their tax returns to the media to show their effective tax rate, charitable donations and other financial details. Buffet said that he too was under IRS audit and Trump is “afraid” not of the tax-collection agency but of voters.

“Your move”, Clinton campaign aide Ian Sams said on Twitter, linking to the Democratic nominee’s returns.

Bill spent $500,000 in travel as part of the speaking portion of his business, Hillary had about $250,000 in travel expenses for her speaking business.

The Clinton campaign has already started accusing Trump of paying zero taxes, challenging him to release his own tax returns.

Miller went on to demand that the Democratic presidential nominee release documents on controversies involving the Clinton Foundation and the killing of Americans at a US diplomatic outpost in Benghazi, Libya, when she was secretary of State.

Trump’s critics, including 2012 Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney and other fellow Republicans, have said his refusal raises questions about his net worth, his charitable contributions, his business dealings and various other ties, including with Russian Federation.

Trump’s critics, including 2012 Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney and other fellow Republicans, have said his refusal raises questions about his net worth, his charitable contributions, his business dealings and other ties, including with Russian Federation.

Clinton has pounced on the issue, releasing an online video highlighting high-profile Republicans urging Trump to release his taxes.

However, the disclosure of Clinton’s wealth, mainly coming from highly-paid speeches delivered to financial institutions, might also raise concerns about whether she could really defend interests of middle-class families and take a tough stance against Wall Street as she has promised.

They paid an effective federal tax rate of 20.3 per cent in 2015.

Federal tax rates have become an issue in the presidential election. “It’s not true.” The former president then launched a passionate defense of Hillary Clinton’s conduct, calling the charges against her “the biggest load of bull I’ve ever heard”.


Critics have speculated that Trump’s refusal stems from his fear of a political backlash should they show that he still pays little or no taxes, makes scant charitable contributions or owes substantial money to Russian banks or oligarchs. A lower income would question his image as a successful businessman.

Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein