
Trump campaign ad blasts Clinton over ‘basket of deplorables’ comments

Hillary Clinton leaves her daughter’s apartment building in NY where she rested after leaving a 9/11 memorial ceremony feeling unwell.


Clinton, 68, was taken to her daughter Chelsea’s home in Manhattan, and emerged a few hours later wearing sunglasses and telling reporters that she was “feeling great”.

She later returned to her home in Chappaqua, N.Y. Bill Clinton was already there, having not attended the ceremony. Clinton’s spokesman Nick Merrill eventually said Clinton had gone to her daughter’s nearby apartment, but refused to say whether the former secretary of state had required medical attention. I think they’re are going to be good, I feel great.

The ceremony at the September 11 memorial plaza at the World Trade Center site marked the 15th anniversary of the attacks. Rep. Joe Crowley, D-N.Y., said he spent time before the ceremony chatting with Clinton and watching her sign autographs and take pictures.

Two US media outlets reported early Monday that Trump’s campaign staffers had been ordered to be respectful about Clinton’s illness and not post anything on the topic on social media. About 90 minutes elapsed before the campaign issued its statement.

Trump has repeatedly questioned Clinton’s health, telling supporters last month she “lacks the mental and physical stamina” to serve as president and fight Islamic State militants.

In December 2012, Mrs Clinton suffered a concussion and shortly after had a blood clot.

In Georgia, Trump leads by 3 points among likely voters, 46 per cent to 43 per cent.

Clinton later expressed “regret” on Saturday for saying that half of Trump’s supporters were deplorable. Her doctor attributed that episode to a stomach virus and dehydration.

Nonetheless, the health episode is the latest setback for Mrs Clinton’s campaign.

“I got tickled the other day when Mr. Trump called my foundation a criminal enterprise”, Bill said during a speech in North Carolina. Even though Clinton was notified of the pneumonia diagnosis Friday, she still made a decision to go forward with two fundraisers, a national security meeting and press conference and multiple media interviews. He says without an exam or a medical history, there’s no basis to determine anything.


U.S. Democratic Presidential CandidateHillary Clintongestures to spectators on the last day of the 2016 U.S. Democratic National Convention at Wells Fargo Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, theUnited States, on July 28, 2016.

Source MGN