
Trump Campaign Announces $90 Million Fundraising Haul in August

The polls in the various states were conducted from August 29 through Wednesday, meaning most if not all of the people surveyed were called before NBC’s Commander in Chief forum with Clinton and Trump Wednesday night, Quinnipiac Assistant Director Peter Brown said.


Hillary Clinton attacked Matt Lauer in a fundraising email the day after he moderated a forum between her and Donald Trump.

And they say her ability to withstand scrutiny has been more needed than Trump’s: 53% say he and his campaign have unfairly attacked Clinton, while just 43% think Clinton’s attacks on Trump have been unfair.

For more about two presidential candidates’ position on national security and foreign policy, CCTV America’s Asieh Namdar interviewed Joel Rubin, the president of Washington Strategy Group.

Her opponent Republican Donald Trump sent social media ablaze when it came to the Iraq War.

But a win for Mrs. Clinton in North Carolina, which backed Mr. Obama in 2008 but Mr. Romney in 2012, could deepen the hole from which Mr. Trump must start his climb.

In 2014, a US -led coalition began airstrikes on Islamic State group targets, and later, sent USA special forces to assist allied fighters. He is also a deputy assistant secretary of state during the Obama administration. Trump was asked about Russian President Vladimir Putin’s praise for him.

“To actually take the oil, we’d have to have a very substantial military presence in the country”, he said. “It’s a very different system and I don’t happen to like the system, but certainly, in that system, he’s been a leader, far more than our president has been a leader”.

Sabato said it is because the “bounce” Clinton received in polls after the Democratic Party convention in July has gone.

Sabato said Clinton still leads in most of the important swing states that will decide the presidential election. That message has changed just in the last few days. “Trump leads Clinton by 19 points among troops and veterans, according to a poll Wednesday by NBC News and Survey Monkey”. Those attending the event include Michael Chertoff, who served as Homeland Security secretary under President George W Bush.

The reference to voting rights was one of several appeals Clinton made to black voters, who polls show overwhelmingly support her over Republican candidate Donald Trump.

A close race could increase the importance of the four televised candidate debates. The case resulted in a settlement with the federal government years ago.

And perceptions of Clinton’s use of a private email server while secretary of state, which came up frequently in Wednesday night’s forum, has shifted over the previous year and a half from an issue that voters deemed mostly irrelevant to her character or ability to serve as president to one which nearly two-thirds judge as an indicator of her fitness for the job.

“I’m asking to be judged on the totality of my record”, said Clinton, who grew visibly irritated at times with the repeated focus on her past actions.

Discussing rampant sexual assaults in the US military, the candidate was reminded of a tweet in which he said when men and women are put together one can’t expect anything better. And for the first time, he opened the door to granting legal status to people living in the US illegally who join the military.

“You can find Aleppo on a map”, she said. “And I could see myself working that out”.


Early in his interview with Trump, Lauer failed to challenge Trump when the GOP nominee said he’d opposed the invasion of Iraq as early as 2002, a claim that has been repeatedly debunked.

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