
Trump campaign bans Iowa newspaper from event

Register political columnist Kathie Obradovich was informed Friday that she had been denied a credential to the event, a “family picnic” featuring Trump that will be held at 11 a.m. on Saturday at the George Daily Community Auditorium in Oskaloosa.


Donald Trump will not allow reporters from the Des Moines Register into a campaign event on Saturday after complaning about being criticized by the newspaper’s editorial board. The newspaper says Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski told its reporters they were being excluded because of the editorial.

The real-estate mogul and Republican 2016 candidate was unhappy with an editorial published by the newspaper that called on Trump to pull out of the race.

The Register’s editor, Amalie Nash, issued a statement Friday saying, “The editorial has no bearing on our news coverage”.

Trump has antagonised a number of groups since launching his campaign for the Republican nomination in June.

In the Tuesday editorial, the Des Moines Register said Trump “has been more focused on promoting himself, and his brand, than in addressing the problems facing the nation”. Still, it is highly unusual for a political campaign to deny credentials to a media organization. Nash urged the Trump campaign to “revisit its decision instead of making punitive decisions because we wrote something critical of him”. “So much so, in fact, that they threaten to derail not just his campaign, but the manner in which we choose our nominees for president”.


Trump wasn’t done bashing the Register on Saturday morning, taunting the “ultra liberal” paper for “begging” his campaign for the credentials.

Donald Trump