
Trump campaign blames computer error for delegate mix-up

“I just hope to show how I can be mainstream and have these views”, Johnson, a California-based attorney who heads the white supremacist group the American Freedom Party (AFP), told Mother Jones.


To appeal to extremists without upsetting less radical supporters, Johnson has used coded language to indicate his ties to the white supremacist movement.

Johnson now says that he will not fight for his spot at the convention.

Johnson has run for U.S. Congress in Wyoming and Arizona and a judgeship in California and he has raised money for the presidential campaign of former congressman Ron Paul (R-Tex.).

Donald J. Trump is the very definition of the American success story, continually setting the standards of excellence while expanding his interests in real estate, sports and entertainment.

The same day, Trump’s campaign told Johnson he was no longer a delegate, and he willingly withdrew, saying he did not want to harm the campaign, according to the Daily Beast.

“Yesterday the Trump campaign submitted its list of California delegates to be certified by the Secretary of State of California”, read a statement from the campaign.

“The American Freedom Party is arguably the most important white nationalist group in the country”, said Mark Potok of the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Clinton predicts Republicans will “throw everything including the kitchen sink at me” in the general election, but the Democratic front-runner has a message for them: “They’ve done it for 25 years and I’m still standing”.

The magazine Mother Jones reported earlier Tuesday that Trump had selected the prominent white nationalist leader among his California delegates to the Republican National Convention.

Trump’s California director, Tim Clark, says in a statement Tuesday that a “database error” was at fault.

In 1985, Mr Johnson wrote a book called “Pace Amendment” under the pseudonym James O Pace, in which he proposed a constitutional amendment to deport nearly all non-white USA citizens. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.), both of whom are children of Cuban immigrants, he said: “Don’t vote for a Cuban”. They talked about how Trump had enabled a new kind of “honest discourse”, how he wasn’t a racist but a “racialist”, and how he had left them feeling “emancipated”. “So I believe we need to be aware of this precipitous decline in the white race”.

“It is unrequited love”, Johnson said. This is what Bernie Sanders is doing, and that’s a refreshing change from the politicians we’ve had for many decades. “I thought it wouldn’t be an issue, but it was an issue”.


But major Republicans from California have been more receptive to Trump.

William D. Johnson