
Trump campaign blaming ghostwriter Meredith McIver for Melania plagiarism scandal

His eldest child, Donald Trump Jr, announced the support of NY, their home state, during a roll-call vote at the Republican National Convention, ensuring Trump had the majority of delegates – 1,237 – needed to contest the Nov 8 USA presidential election against presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.


Trump will address the convention in person on Thursday when he will formally accept the nomination and promised to outline “how we build a brighter and more hopeful future for all Americans”.

Themes of the four-day event are all rooted in Trump’s Make American Great Again slogan: make America safe again, work again, first again and one again, in turn.

However, the speakers focused nearly exclusively on attacking Mrs Clinton, the likely Democratic nominee.

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, meanwhile, prosecuted the Republican case against presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.

“I don’t think she deliberately took parts of the speech”. There has been speculation that Cruz, a more orthodox conservative than Trump, will use his speech to plant seeds for another presidential run in 2020.

“To think that she would be cribbing Michelle Obama’s words is insane”, Paul Manafort said on CNN.

But Mr Christie and and the crowd disagreed as Mr Christie repeatedly yelled “guilty”.

He said she has “selfish, very bad judgement” and was to blame for various foreign policy problems in Libya, Syria and elsewhere.

The phrases, first reported by The Daily Show, were written by Buckley in a May 2, 2016 article entitled “Trump vs. the New Class”.

The result hasn’t really been in doubt for months, but now it’s a reality.

Thanks to a bit of procedural manoeuvring, it was NY that gave him the winning margin in the state-by-state roll call vote. And while his speech before the national convention Wednesday night represents a reconciliation of sorts with Donald Trump, the nominee’s campaign manager stopped short of predicting an outright endorsement from Cruz. “Congratulations, Dad. We love you!”

An instrumental remix of Frank Sinatra’s hit New York, New York boomed into the arena after the announcement, as delighted delegates swayed in time with the music and waved their arms in the air. The delegates thus supported the choice of a new party leader, billionaire Donald Trump who nominated Pence for the position.

Democrat Hillary Clinton pounced on the tumult, saying the Republican gathering had so far been “surreal”, comparing it to the classic fantasy film “Wizard of Oz”. Ted Cruz, the man Trump used to call “Lyin’ Ted”.

It was Trump Jr. who delivered the most detailed and politically motivated Trump family speech – calling Clinton “a risk Americans can’t afford to take” – as he spoke in length of the changes he believes his father can enact.

The 22-year-old told the Republican National Convention about her father’s character, recalling how he’d leave handwritten notes on her report cards.

“In person, my father is so friendly, so considerate, so amusing and so real”, she added. Donald, as well as Donald Jr. and Ivanka, also attended Penn.

“When people tell him it can’t be done, that guarantees it will get done”, he said of his father. She opened up about a time when she lost someone close to her.


Earlier delegates exchanged jeers and heckles as anti-Trump forces tried in vain to thwart his nomination. “That’s what we’re doing here, that’s why I reported it that way”, Babcock said.

WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS A Response to Donald Trumps RNC Entrance