
Trump campaign: Broader point about Obama and ISIS is not sarcastic

That’s out of context.


Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump tweeted early this morning that he was being sarcastic when he called President Obama the “founder of ISIS”, despite standing by the original comments multiple times over the past two days. It’s an instinct that Trump’s opponents say a president can’t possess. Some Republicans seem to have the same concern. He was the most valuable player, ‘ Trump said, adding that Clinton also deserved the MVP award. The concerns are compelling enough that dozens of anxious Republicans gathered signatures Thursday for a letter urging the GOP party chairman to stop helping Trump and focus on protecting vulnerable House and Senate candidates. They add that a sarcastic person is called a “sarcast”.

But the “sort of” apology didn’t last long with Trump again launching into President Obama, labelling him “so bad”. Trump said in a post on Twitter. “THEY DON’T GET SARCASM?” the real estate mogul tweeted Friday, referring to coverage of his comments at a Wednesday night rally.

Or was he being sarcastic about the sarcasm?

You know what – I think we should fact check that.

“That’s what normal candidates do”, he went on. Trump also has said his taxes are no one’s business and that they reveal little. She’s hammered him for avoiding accountability for his actions.

Clinton, for instance, would reject the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a trade agreement she backed while Secretary of State, which puts her theoretically onside with Trump, though the ideology guiding their respective positions could not be more different.

Trump’s campaign planned to sit down with RNC officials in Orlando on Friday. All major US presidential candidates in modern history have released their returns. Her campaign is also releasing returns from running mate Tim Kaine and his wife.

Trump worked to profit on the fuss over his Islamic State remark.

Mr Trump did acknowledge that the root of his argument was that if Mr Obama “had done things properly, you wouldn’t have had Isis”, but he then repeated: “Therefore, he was the founder of Isis”. Trump has gone far off the rails that there is no clean up possible.

Trump said he wasn’t anxious Republicans would cut him off — and threatened to stop fundraising for the party if they do.

Clinton is trying to undercut the trustworthiness of rival Donald Trump.

“I am humbled and moved by the Republicans who are willing to stand up and say that Donald Trump doesn’t represent their values”, she said at a rally in Iowa this week. Even some Republicans questioned whether he was encouraging a foreign government to interfere in the election.


“We’ve really been given a false narrative”, Trump said of his struggles in Utah.

Trump campaign: Broader point about Obama and ISIS is not sarcastic