
Trump campaign chairman predicts a ‘coming together’ of GOP officials

“You’re going to have problems like you’ve never seen”.


I fully endorse his desire to earn one and would happily oblige his interest in doing so, by being one of the first to chip in to fly him to the conflict zone of his choosing. “You want safety. And then we have people interrupting constantly”, he said.

As Republican infighting dominated the 2016 presidential race for another day, Trump and his Republican allies lashed out at the Democratic presidential nominee’s foreign policy record.

Trump surrogate Ben Carson told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer in a Friday interview that he believes Trump “will come on board” with Ryan, though he did not specify when.

In some states, Trump’s feuds with party leaders such as Walker and Ryan might not matter much. “That’s Matthew, it’s legit; it’s the way he is”, said Matthew’s mom, Dr. Mary Schricker.

“Trump is helping her to win by proving he is more unacceptable than she is”.

“It’s hard to understand”, said Shafer.

Ryan, in addition to Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker and Sen.

As for Ryan, Pence described him to reporters Thursday as “a very close personal friend” and said he “felt very strongly about endorsing his re-election”.

It’s safe to say the vast majority of Harvard students want NOTHING to do with Donald Trump.

Earlier this week, Trump said he wasn’t ready to support Ryan in his primary campaign against a pro-Trump challenger, Delavan businessman Paul Nehlen. He sharply criticized Trump for not backing Ryan.

“It’s a sad day in America when the Republican nominee for president doesn’t support the Republican speaker of the House”, Vos said in a statement. “Paul Ryan is the intellectual leader of our party and a strong voice for conservatives in the 1st Congressional District”.

“The plane I saw on television was the hostage plane in Geneva, Switzerland, not the plane carrying $400 million in cash going to Iran!”

Donald Trump is an ungrateful man.

“It’s a nasty, virulent strain of something”, Ryan said, repeating the host’s words back to him.

At roughly the same time, Pence blasted Russian Federation in a statement issued by the campaign that said “the United States government will ensure there are serious consequences” if Russian Federation is “interfering in our elections”.

Ryan acknowledged that he has “spoken out a few times” against Trump’s comments on several fronts in recent months, which has irritated Trump and his supporters even though Ryan has given Trump his formal endorsement.

Trump has placed blame on Clinton and Obama for the rise of Islamic State, also known as ISIS.

“I happen to think that lying to the American people is a step way above and beyond some of the disappointing rhetoric of Donald Trump”, said Chaffetz, chairman of House Oversight Committee.

Mr Priebus was said to be “livid” over Mr Trump’s behaviour and appealed to the NY billionaire’s adult children to help calm the situation. “It’s hard to imagine the country four years from now without a Trump presidency”.

It’s unclear what footage Trump was referring to.

“I like Paul, but these are frightful times for our country”, Trump told the Post.

“Peace all over the world would be the best deal”, Trump told the Portland Press Herald, which he gave during his visit to the city.

The real estate mogul and former reality television star was caught up for days in a public spat with the parents of a Muslim American soldier killed in Iraq.

Mr Gingrich, a Trump ally, said his friend now stood no chance of beating Hillary Clinton in November. At the time of the Trump event in Green Bay, Walker will be at a spaghetti dinner in the small northern Wisconsin town of Grand View.


A Fox News poll has Clinton leading by 10 points in Colorado, while a Franklin & Marshall College survey puts her ahead of Trump by 11 points in Pennsylvania, a crucial contest because of its substantial number of white, male, working-class voters. “That’s just the way the cookie crumbles”, he said.

Obama: Trump unfit to be US President