
Trump campaign chief refuses to acknowledge plagiarism claims

He’s appeared frequently on radio and television, and many once-reluctant Trump supporters have said that getting to know his kids has reassured them about his character.


Meanwhile, her husband took to Twitter to correct public perception about Trump Jr.’s speech.

Christie, Ryan, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell were part of the lineup of speakers on Tuesday, along with Trump’s son, Donald Trump Jr., daughter Tiffany and a former Trump rival for the presidency, Ben Carson.

Other campaign surrogates attempted to spin the striking similarities between the two speeches in various ways.

Jajack insists the party’s big tent has room for lots of different views and she says anti-Trump delegates are just sore losers.

Donald Trump’s campaign sought to turn the page Tuesday on the plagiarism controversy over his wife Melania’s keynote speech and a rocky first day in Cleveland to get the Republican National Convention back on track.

Trump, a NY businessman, has never held elective office and has been a controversial candidate, struggling to unite Republicans around his White House bid despite seeing off 16 rivals to win the primary nominating process.

During Tuesday’s roll call, the Alaska delegation split its 28 votes among Trump, Cruz and Florida Sen. Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, as they take their moments before the crowd of delegates. The delegation decided against the disruption but was still booed by other delegations.

He praised his pick for vice president, Indiana Governor Mike Pence, as an “incredible man” who would make “a great vice president”.

Cleveland-The “Party of Lincoln” has become the “Party of Trump”. Standing in front of a digital American flag, Ms. Trump (played by actress-singer Laura Benanti) explained she “did not plagiarize”, with famous lines from Charles Dickens, the Beastie Boys, Braveheart, Dr. Seuss, The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air and more.

He added, “I’m proud of the way she did”.

The campaigns of Trump and his presumptive Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton have already released fundraising numbers, but the filings for both candidates will provide a better look at where their money goes.

She also tweeted, “If you think Chris Christie can lecture anyone on ethics, we have a bridge to sell you”, a reference to the George Washington Bridge scandal. “It’s not plagiarism. It’s just what speechwriters do”, he told the Daily News, pointing out that he wrote the OH speech himself. “They’re literally phrases. I was impressed somebody did their homework to think that that could be possibly done”, Manafort told The Associated Press.

But the fallout over Melania Trump’s address, which featured unattributed excepts from a speech by First Lady Michelle Obama, mounted on Tuesday as critics used it to question the campaign’s competence and readiness for power and the campaign swatted away the controversy as “absurd”.

Modelling, that is. Ivana Trump, Melania Trump and Ivanka Trump – Tiffany’s older half-sister – have all been models. “We need to pass those lessons on to the many generations to follow. And this idea of plagiarism, if we want to talk about let’s talk about”, he said before rapidly reciting a series of laughable examples of similar language, from Kid Rock to My Little Pony.


The passages in question came near the beginning of Mrs. Trump’s almost 15-minute speech.

Gregory T. Angelo president of the conservative gay organization Log Cabin Republicans placed a full-page ad in Tuesday's USA Today newspaper decrying the newly ratified Republican platform as anti-LGBT