
Trump campaign claims it fired top adviser

The Donald Trump presidential campaign and Jewish adviser Roger Stone have parted ways. More than an hour later, Trump told a Washington Post reporter he fired Stone.


According to Trump’s campaign, Stone wanted to use his position as adviser for his own publicity.

“Stone added that he was “pleased with to have performed a task within the launch” of Trump’s presidential marketing campaign”, and that he nonetheless cared concerning the enterprise mogul “as a pal”. Because he had a core message of taking on the system, fixing our broke immigration system.

“I think they are counterproductive to getting elected”, Stone said of the billionaire’s attack on Kelly.

Trump said he’ll come to Georgia at another time and meet with conservative activists. Senator Rand Paul accused Trump of “already hedging his bets because he’s used to buying politicians”.

The question incensed Trump, who later took to Twitter to slam Kelly, calling her “not very good or professional” and writing that she had “bombed” in her performance as one of the three Fox News debate moderators.

Costa then tweeted, “How Trump ends call with a memo to the GOP establishment: “I have a lot of money and I’m not getting out. We sent him a notice”.

On Friday, Trump seemed to make a menstruation reference in a CNN interview about Kelly’s aggressive questioning at the debate. Kate Bohner, who, with Trump, co-authored Trump: The Art of the Comeback, told CNN “This is a Trump I haven’t seen before”.

Seventeen Republicans are seeking the party’s nomination, but only 10 were invited by debate host Fox News to participate in the main event based on their showing in recent polls. “No. Excuse”. He insisted later that the comment was a reference to Kelly’s nose, rather than menstruation, but found himself dropped from a gathering of conservatives in Atlanta this weekend, and facing condemnation from rivals. “Disagree with diversion to food fight with @megynkelly”.

Rommel Demano/Getty Images “Sorry @realDonaldTrump didn’t fire me – I fired Trump”, Stone tweeted Saturday. She went on to say: “I don’t want to hear about blood coming out of people’s eyes and certainly not what it morphed into on [CNN anchor Don] Lemon’s show”. “Just got on w/thought”. Our politicians are stupid.


Accusing Obama of talking about immigration as a “wedge issue” for the last six years, Bush said as the next President, he “will fix this once and for all so that we can turn this into a driver for high sustained economic growth”.

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