
Trump campaign credits Pence for record fundraising day

Mike Pence is framing the November presidential race as crucial to defining the makeup of the Supreme Court for the next 40 years.


“Pro-lifers can be confident in Gov. Mike Pence”, Sen.

Pence is playing on one of Trump’s most well-known catchphrase. “I mean I can not avoid forgiving everybody that threw a brick at me during my various campaigns, so I think it’s important for all of us to bury that and say, “ok, we need to look forward” – we’ve got to move forward from never Trump to never Hillary”.

“If you just start going through it in a methodical, process-oriented basis, you’re going to check the boxes for Donald Trump”, he said.

The Republican presidential nominee said that his decision would be based on the whether those countries have fulfilled their obligations to North Atlantic Treaty Organisation.

“In my home state of In we prove every day that you can build a growing economy on balanced budgets, low taxes”, Pence said, addressing the Republican convention. “And that is to make sure that Donald Trump is the 45th president of the United States of America…”

The Pence income tax cut amounts to an estimated $265 million in taxpayer savings this budget year, DeBoer said. Republicans, Democrats and Independents who help build North Atlantic Treaty Organisation into the most successful military alliance in history would all come to the same conclusion: “Donald Trump is temperamentally unfit and fundamentally ill-prepared to be our Commander in Chief”, he said.

Drawing a contrast with the opposition, Fischer also denounced Hillary Clinton and the Democrats as “defenders of a truly barbaric practice” of partial-birth abortion.

Indiana’s governor, Mike Pence, has accepted the Republican nomination to be vice president.

Pence says he never thought he’d be standing on the stage at his party’s national convention. Pence jokes that running mate Donald Trump is charismatic and must have been looking for balance in choosing him.

Pence is using the speech to tell his life story.

The Texas Republican declined to endorse the candidate ahead of the convention due to Trump’s allegation a Hispanic judge would not be able to fairly preside over the lawsuit against Trump University.


Eric Trump says the country should put his father in the White House because America needs someone who “understands the art of the deal” and appreciates the value of a dollar.

GOP VP nominee Mike Pence: Democrats, media 'helpless' to figure out Trump