
Trump campaign hires Michael Glassner as National Political Director

Glassner was an aide to former Sen.


In 2008, McCain’s selection of Palin as a vice presidential campaign was initially greeted by gushing praise and a small spike in support for McCain’s candidacy. He also was an aide for Bob Dole when he ran for president.

He was also an adviser to the 1988 and 1996 presidential campaigns of U.S. Sen.

In a statement released Thursday, Trump announced the addition of Michael Glassner to his political team. He worked for George W. Bush in Iowa in 2000, and in 2008 he was Director of Vice Presidential Operations for the John McCain campaign.

“I am pleased to welcome Michael Glassner to our national campaign leadership team”, said Trump in a statement.

Don, a retired school teacher said, “To the American people it would be a presidency of hope”. “Mr. Trump has set the standards of excellence in many arenas, including real estate, sports, and entertainment – and now, in American politics”. He is at almost 20 percent nationally, according to the RealClearPolitics average, leading Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, the next closest contender, by more than 6 points. He has questioned whether the Arizona Republican, who suffered permanent injuries from torture as a prisoner of war in Vietnam, was a war hero.

The announcement came just two days after Trump suggested that, if elected, he would find a place for Sarah Palin in his cabinet.

Palin and Trump walk towards a limo after leaving Trump Tower in New York City in 2011.

“She’s really somebody who knows what’s happening”, Trump said during an interview with Mama Grizz Radio’s “The Palin Update” earlier this week. She’s really a special person.


“I’m looking at some of these candidates – they’re weak, they’re ineffective, and to a degree that’s nearly hard to believe”, he added.

Palin's surprise appearance on 'SNL&#39