
Trump campaign hits Clinton Foundation anew

The former Plumstead resident, now retired and living in Florida, returned to the area just to attend Pence’s rally with his son, Ricky, and show his support for Donald Trump.


“I think there’s always a time, as you approach Labor Day, where campaigns, you know, evolve and change and have additions”, Pence said.

The office, at the Hamilton Crossing Shopping Center, 12477 N. Meridian St., will be open from 4 8 p.m. Friday and 10 4 p.m. Saturday for the kick-off event.

Indiana Governor and Republican Vice Presidential nominee, Mike Pence, has released new information about his personal finances as part of a financial disclosure report.

“This campaign nearly feels like it’s been two on one”, said Pence.

“Neither did I”, Pence replied, before a reporter asked the barber if this was his “first televised haircut”. Remember, if you have a ticket, you still need to get to the facility early for a better chance of getting in. “And the mechanism for how we do that – he’s also been very clear that we’ll do it in a humane way”, he said.

In June 2008, McCain came as the Republican presidential nominee to the Pipersville business, which employs more than 600 people in Bucks County and Delaware. Trump would “do it in a humane way”, Pence said.

Vice-presidential candidate Mike Pence’s race to the White House will take him through Brunswick County.

U.S. Rep. David Rouzer, R-N.C., who spoke at Trump’s August 9 rally, will not be at Wednesday’s event, said Rouzer’s spokeswoman, Danielle Adams.

Recent polls indicate the Trump-Pence ticket has some catching up to do to stop the Clinton campaign in the state.


Trump, he said, would counter Clinton and provide strong leadership.

Mike Pence North Carolina