
Trump campaign manager defends Trump on Iraq war, Putin praise

Hillary Clinton sought to assure Israelis that she would a stronger ally than her rival Donald Trump, saying that the Islamic State militant group is praying to let Trump win the presidency.


Clinton’s argument that Trump is ill-prepared to be commander in chief has been bolstered by a flood of Republican national security experts who are backing the Democratic nominee instead of their own party’s pick.

The FBI recommended against any charges after concluding a lengthy investigation of Clinton’s use of a private email server during her time as secretary of state and the Justice Department heeded that recommendation. ABC News has reported that the only reluctance Trump showed about the Iraq War during a 2002 Howard Stern interview was when he suggested it should have been done right during the first Iraq War under President Bush senior.

Things improve slightly for Clinton in a straight head-to-head matchup with Trump, but even then the candidates are still tied in Florida, and Trump enjoys a slight lead in Ohio. – Conway replied: “Because he said so”.

As the LA Times notes, the Trump campaign has pointed to an interview in 2003 with Neil Cavuto as proof that he opposed the war early on.

“He’s on a radio show”, Conway said, dismissing the comment and pointing instead to Hillary Clinton’s vote for the Iraq war while she was a USA senator in NY.

On Thursday, Esquire added an editor’s note to the article, rebuffing Trumps claims.

Trump’s first and most extensive comments against the Iraq War came in an interview with Esquire magazine in August 2004, one year and five months after the United States invasion, which Trump described as “very early in the conflict, extremely early in the conflict, right at the beginning” of the war.

In it, Mr Trump praised Vladimir Putin for his high approval ratings and his “very strong control” over Russian Federation, comparing him favourably to Barack Obama, the U.S. president. Hillary concluded her answer with a swipe at Donald Trump saying, “Donald Trump chose to talk about his deep admiration and support for Vladmir Putin”.

Kellyanne Conway, Trump’s campaign manager, told CBS that Trump did the interview as a “favor for Larry King”. “I watched that”, he said.

While the former Secretary of State was interrogated on her controversy, viewers felt Lauer neglected to question Trump with the same fervor, often giving him open-ended questions. That is virtually unchanged from a month ago, when Clinton led Trump 46-45 — which is considered a statistical dead heat. Trump’s supporters are especially enthusiastic: 75% say they’re more interested in this year’s face-offs than in previous years, compared with 58% of Clinton’s supporters. Trump also refused to reveal his “secret” plan to defeat Isis. “He’s made that very clear and maybe somebody can ask him in a debate”.


Standing on the tarmac at the Westchester County Airport, the Democratic presidential nominee spent four minutes slamming Trump as ill-informed on foreign policy before fielding five questions from reporters.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump