
Trump, Carson continue to lead Republican race

Carson has already emerged with a clear polling lead in early-voting Iowa.


Trump is way out ahead on top at 42 percent., Cruz second way down at 10 percent, and Carson at 9 percent. Ted Cruz of Texas are showing real signs of life. The Quinnipiac poll was taken about one year before Election Day 2016.

Thirty-seven percent of Republican primary voters say Trump is the candidate most likely to beat Clinton than Carson with 18% and 11% for Rubio.

A Fox News poll released Thursday shows Donald Trump continues to hold an edge, with 26 percent support and Ben Carson close behind with 23 percent.

While Trump and Carson have watched their support shrink since a September WBUR survey, Rubio and Christie markedly improved on their 2 percent showings in the previous poll. No other Republican candidate was able to score over 3 percent, and quite a few of them fell below 1 percent to become asterisks. Asked whether they trusted the various Republican candidates to be commander in chief, Trump and Carson were tied, at 40 percent each.

Carson leads Clinton by 13 points among independents (47 percent to 34 percent). Or the temperament to be president. “I think Ben just doesn’t have the experience”. The survey also shows that the female Democratic front runner would triumph over any of the other Republican presidential candidates including Donald Trump, according to USA Today. Rubio is an establishment alternative to Jeb Bush. Trump is not honest and trustworthy, voters say 58 – 38 percent.

“Is there a doctor in the house?”

Malloy continued, “Clinton gets crushed on character issues, pounded by Carson and closely challenged by Sen”. Ted Cruz with 12 percent and Florida Sen.

A Survey United States of America poll of 2,400 likely Florida voters finds that while Hillary Clinton makes handy work of both Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio in a head-to-head matchup, she falters against both the brain surgeon and the businessman. That level of support would be the first time a Republican has seen double-digit support in the African-American vote since 2004 with George W. Bush.


Marco Rubio and Chris Christie made major gains among New Hampshire primary voters from the poll’s last edition.

Trump's latest book Crippled America is on shelves, features his frowny face