
Trump, Carson ratchet up rhetoric about Muslims

At the start of the month, Carson overtook Trump in the national polling average and in the key early states of Iowa and SC. While a few of his rivals have been chastised by the president for suggesting that Christian Syrian refugees be given preference over Muslims, Trump has gone further in his rhetoric, advocating new restrictions on civil liberties and enhanced surveillance activities, including inside mosques.


“We’re going to have to look at a lot of things very closely”, Trump continued. If that means using a database and badges to keep tabs on them, he’s on board.

“Carson’s greatest strength has always been who people think he is as a person”, J. Ann Selzer of the Iowa-based Selzer & Co. said, the one who conducted the poll. He said Muslims would be signed up at “different places”, adding: “It’s all about management”.

Answering an audience member’s question after a televised town hall-style interview ahead of his rally, Trump said America can’t worry about unfair labeling of Muslims, and pointed to the recent terrorist attacks in Paris and elsewhere. “I have to overcome it by saying what my life story is about, and my record of accomplishment”, he said.

In addition to getting higher marks for getting things done, fixing immigration problems and managing the economy, Trump is viewed as the stronger of the two candidates on combating Islamic terrorism and having appropriate life experiences to lead the nation.

Trump spoke Thursday a few hours after the House passed legislation essentially barring Syrian and Iraqi refugees from the United States. “That won’t fly in any court”.

Fifty-three percent (53%) of voters not affiliated with either major political party think it’s likely Trump will win the nomination, including 20% who say that’s Very Likely. “At a few point you have to ask yourself, is that the kind of country we are?”

“Those who want to divide and impose tests, religious tests, where people are going to go and register for deportation squads that are going to try and go into the neighborhoods and ship people out of this country”, Kasich said. Sanders called the statement “outrageous and bigoted”.

“Sanders is able to get more of the votes from independents and even a few Republicans than Clinton is”, Franklin said, according to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. He’s followed by New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and Carly Fiorina who each polled at 3 percent.


“If we’re just going to pick out a particular group of people based on their religion, based on their race… that’s setting a risky precedent”, he told reporters in New Hampshire.

Trump leads Carson Rubio in New Hampshire