
Trump claims GOP nomination, says ‘Go all the way’

Trump’s campaign did succeed in tamping down late efforts by dissident delegates to derail the convention, including during Tuesday’s roll call vote.


CLEVELAND-Amid unison cries of “Lock her up!”, the Republican Party tonight attempted a witch-burning of Hillary Clinton, the Democratic rival to Donald J. Trump, the GOP’s presidential nominee. Dan Sullivan, who said: “We will put coal miners and oil drillers back to work”.

“Congratulations, Dad. We love you”, he said.

The Indiana governor will attempt to reassure disillusioned members of the Republican establishment that they can trust their presumptive presidential nominee Donald Trump, and seek to reassure the party’s evangelical wing with his arch-conservative views on social issues including abortion and gay marriage. “Chip in now to make sure he never steps foot in the Oval Office”.

Still, as chairman of the Republican Governors Association that year, Christie was able to escape the scandal’s stink pervading locally and hit the road to campaign and raise money for other gubernatorial candidates.

Vice presidential pick Mike Pence, the IN governor, is set to speak Wednesday. NY put him over the top in the delegate count.

Speaking to the convention for the first time since winning the nomination, Trump appeared on a video screen from NY promising to win the election in November, create jobs, strengthen the military, safeguard USA borders and “restore law and order” in the United States. “Hillary Clinton is a risk Americans can’t afford to take”. General Mike Flynn said: “We do not need a reckless president who believes she is above the law”.

The theme for Tuesday night was “Make America Work Again”, but it largely seemed about trying to make Hillary Clinton sweat.

Ms Clinton, who is set to accept the Democratic nomination in Philadelphia next week, was “the chief engineer of the disastrous overthrow” of Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi, Mr Christie claimed. In God’s Own Party, the operatives behind Trump understand the power of that old, historical reflex.

Trump’s campaign hoped the convention would also highlight a kinder, gentler side of the brash candidate.

Opponents branded him a bigot with his calls to temporarily ban the entry of Muslims and to build a border wall with Mexico to keep out illegal immigrants.

“Lock her up, that’s right”, Flynn said.

Trump’s family again took center stage, underscoring the campaign’s urgent task to reshape the image of a candidate seen by large swaths of voters as harsh and divisive.

The vote came on the second day of the Cleveland convention, where the focus will turn to jobs after a series of grim speeches about national security Monday.

U.S. Senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama, an early backer of Trump, placed his name in nomination, calling him “a warrior and a victor”.

In a speech in which he showed himself to be sometimes more fluent in the language of conservatism than his father, he vowed that Trump would unleash the “greatness” of hardworking American people and wouldn’t use “the highest office in the land as a path to personal enrichment”.

Tuesday was much better for Trump.

In Melania Trump’s roughly 15-minute address on Monday night, a small section closely resembled a part of Michelle Obama’s speech in 2008 in support of her husband, Barack Obama, who was then campaigning for his first term as president.

“You tonight [are] sitting as a jury of her peers in this hall and in your living rooms around our nation”, he said.


The plagiarism accusations follow Monday night’s speech by Trump’s wife.

RNC delegate Hillary for Prison sign