
Trump, Clinton Ahead in US Presidential Preferential Survey

Trump is unscripted, and as such, he gives the talking heads plenty of fiery quotes that they have manipulated, cut, edited and regurgitated as attacks on women, minorities and try to paint him as someone that is not presidential. “This has been an fantastic experience for me”, Trump said.


I have a daughter named Ivanka and a wife named Melania who constantly want me to talk about women’s health issues because they know how I feel about it and they know how I feel about women.

“I think that he is a great publicity seeker at a time when the Republican Party has not really figured out what it’s for as opposed to what it’s against”, Mr. Obama told CBS News. “I’m a counter puncher”. “And I think she’d be the first to acknowledge that maybe she could have handled the original decision better and the disclosures more quickly”. “That seems to be what happens”. It was a far cry from Trump’s usual events, which often feature thousands of enthusiastic fans cheering him on. “I think that when Mitt Romney chose him last time, it was a tough choice because he’s been so anti-Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, in a sense”, Trump said. No other Democratic challenger garners more than a single percentage point in the poll. “But you have to remember this, he started with me, he was very nice to me, about two weeks ago he started hitting me, I said ‘What’s all this about?'”

The former governor of Maryland says he’s achieved results with a “circle of collaboration” that focuses on what works. Vice President Joe Biden, who hasn’t yet announced whether he’ll enter the race, has 16% backing, and former Virginia Sen.

US President Barack Obama says it is not surprising that at this early stage of presidential election process Donald Trump is receiving a lot of attention, but he can not win the White House in 2016. “This is one of the things we have to look at very strongly”.

Donald Trump is scheduled for 11 a.m.


Authorities say the 26-year-old shooter, Christopher Sean Harper-Mercer, brought at least six guns and five ammunition magazines to the school, killing nine people and wounding seven others before killing himself. Out of his typical element of screaming supporters, Trump replied in that she’d receives a commission the same if she does her job in addition to a person, & in that he’s pro-life.

Donald Trump Hammers Obama's Weak'60 Minutes Interview