
Trump, Clinton spar over minority voters

Trump may have convinced himself of this, but even running mate IN governor Mike Pence couldn’t keep a straight face when he heard it.


His campaign knows this.

Trump also made a similar outreach to black voters and called Clinton “a bigot” for allegedly taking for granted the support of minority voters. “If Trump campaign is going to reach out to another racial or ethnic community, they should definitely feel comfortable reaching out to us”.

It might be aimed, in large measure, at white people, in particular suburban whites with college degrees. Mitt Romney was more subtle about it, when he spoke to the NAACP in 2012, and essentially told audience, “If you knew what’s good for you, you’d vote for me”.

So his campaign is trying to change that.

Carville acknowledged that he found Trump “kind of amusing”, brushing off observers who point out that Trump draws larger crowds to his campaign events than Clinton draws to hers.

Clinton scoffed at that accusation during an interview Wednesday night on CNN.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump holds a roundtable meeting with the Republican Leadership Initiative in his offices at Trump Tower in New York, Thursday, Aug. 25, 2016. Dr. One such stop is expected to be in September in Detroit.

Trump dominated presidential campaign coverage for the day as Clinton was fundraising in California. The heavily Republican-leaning state looks set to hand Trump a blowout win (he was up by 20 points in the latest poll there), but he remains highly unpopular with Utah voters. The survey found him up by 2 percentage points, with a margin of error of 2.7 percentage points.

“Sorry Donald Trump, you lost my vote”, added another.

OBAMA: In the 2008 budget year, before Obama took office, the US had about 17,000 Border Patrol agents, reflecting an increase under President George W. Bush from the 9,212 the USA had in 2000. I don’t know what percentage of Trump supporters this applies to, but I know it’s big.

What’s stunning about this is that Democrats have never won a majority of white voters with college degrees since exit polling began in 1976.

In the primaries, Trump’s incendiary comments and actions worked well enough with white working-class voters long taken for granted by the party elite and receptive to his messages on trade, immigration, affirmative action and gun rights. That’s why polls show Trump is getting 1 percent of the African-American vote. But she is clearly correct when she says the lesson of his candidacy is that a lot of Americans are unhappy about immigration and refuse to allow the argument to be circumscribed on the grounds of political correctness.

Trump has been heavily criticized by minorities for his proposals on immigration, which include deporting millions of undocumented foreigners, building a wall along the Mexican border, and suspending Muslim immigration to shore up national security.

Republican pollster Whit Ayres told the Washington Post: “After 15 months of denigrating every non-white minority in sight it’s hard to believe he can actually do significantly better among non-whites”.


And Ann Coulter, who threatened to pull her Trump-centered book tour if he loosened up on immigration, will probably be in mourning for the next week.

Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump speaks at the Mississippi Coliseum on Tuesday in Jackson Miss