
Trump closes in on Clinton’s lead

But Trump’s vice presidential running mate Mike Pence said she had disrespected voters.


In response to Mrs Clinton’s “basket of deplorables” comment, he said: “While Hillary said disgusting things about my supporters, and while many of her supporters will never vote for me, I still respect them all”, he said.

The enthusiasm level however is low, especially for Clinton: 46 percent of Trump supporters say they are “very enthusiastic” about the real estate magnate’s candidacy, while only 33 percent of Clinton supporters are so excited.

“No one with a record of failure at home and overseas, no one with her avalanche of dishonesty and corruption and no one with that low opinion of the American people should every people elected president of the United States of America”, Mr. Pence said.

Presidential Election Daily Tracking Poll finds likely voters who back Donald Trump are more enthusiastic than those backing Hillary Clinton, helping to fuel his 2-point lead.

Johnson’s support moved from 4 percent in the poll taken August 22 and August 23 to 7 percent in the most recent poll. Trump said in a tweet.

Outrage spread on Twitter nearly immediately after Clinton’s “basket of deplorables” line, which GOP pollster Frank Luntz noted was similar to the campaign-sinking “47 percent” comments made by Mitt Romney in 2012. I think that if there are ways to do business with Russian Federation, we should always be open. Sunday’s episode is a godsend for his campaign, which is otherwise sketchy and in disarray, with multiple polls showing Clinton ahead and an occasional one showing Trump getting close.

Given that Trump is 70 and would be the oldest person to take the oath of office as President for a first term, and Clinton would be the second oldest, both candidates are certain to face pressure for a more comprehensive accounting of their health. He has given voice to their websites that used to only have 11,000 people, now have 11 million. Voters in these states are also more likely to say Clinton could handle an unexpected crisis (by a margin of five points) and even that she could negotiate well with foreign leaders (by a margin of eight points).

“Look at the #BasketOfDeplorables in Pensacola Florida last night!”

At the LGBT for Hillary fundraiser, she continued her screed against Trump supporters. But in a noon conference call, Trump aides told the surrogates to focus on three issues: Clinton’s “deplorables” comment, Trump’s friendliness toward Russian president Vladimir Putin, and the latest polling, according to two people who were on the call and asked not to be identified discussing it. Obama said at the time that “it’s not surprising then that they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations”. Trump arrived minutes before Clinton.

Weeks before the 2012 election, Republican Mitt Romney landed in hot water for saying that 47 per cent of the public would vote for President Barack Obama “no matter what” because they depended on government benefits and his job was “not to worry about those people”.


“It’s well past time the press stopped grading Trump on a curve”.
