Isn’t that why Republicans argue against welfare or other social programs? And 11 percent remained undecided. The South Carolina primary is tentatively scheduled for February 20, 2016.
Almost two-thirds of the GOP primary electorate in South Carolina identify as evangelical Christians, and with 33%, Trump is the candidate who has the most support from that group. In a local television interview last week, Senator Jeff Flake, an Arizona Republican, said of Trump’s run: “I don’t think it’s a very serious candidacy, frankly”.
The numbers (32% versus 56%) were almost identical for billionaire businessman Donald Trump, who leads the pack in most polls for the Republican nomination. The poll has a margin of error of plus or minus 4.6%.
Retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson was Trump’s closest competitor at 15% support, with ex-Florida Gov. Jeb Bush trailing at 9% and Florida Sen.
What was striking was the way Republican and Democratic viewers alike reacted positively to both men – who, Luntz said, are “tapping into the same anger”.
Struggling for traction, the GOP candidates have moved to attack Trump head-on. But one approach may be to separate Donald Trump from his message. “I didn’t like it”, she said.
Graham on Tuesday described Trump’s rhetoric on immigration as “demagoguery” that appeals to “a dark side of politics“. He trails behind Donald Trump-who leads the polls-and John Kasich.
While the party oath was in place long before Trump refused to rule out running as an independent, South Carolina joins a growing list of states where party leaders are taking steps to thwart the chance that he’ll launch his own bid if he fails to win the nomination.
The Trump organization also prepared this spring to solicit wealthy donors, through a new superPAC. Oh, no, wait a minute, Trump has a good idea, ‘ ” Trump said. I find that offensive? where is the party leadership?
“You guys understand how significant this is?”
Also according to reports, the publication is “mostly a workmanlike review of key moments followed by the transcripts of e-mails”.
Fiorina said the topic is “a distraction”, and instead, she plans to “expend all of my political capital and political energy on doing the one thing we haven’t done for 25 years – let’s secure the border“.
Poll participants were given the opportunity to mark a second choice as well.
“Nothing disqualifies Trump”, he said. Meanwhile, every other candidate is forced to either resort to similar antics or just sit patiently waiting their turn for the spotlight. There is still more than four months to go until the Iowa caucuses, and how the race evolves in the fall is anyone’s guess.
Early polling in presidential elections – election day is 441 days away – has in the past been weakly predictive, with other factors such as party support being more important.