
Trump, committees raise $90M in August, well short of Clinton’s total

President Barack Obama said Thursday that Republican Donald Trump confirms his belief that Trump isn’t qualified to be president “every time he speaks”, adding that he was confident Americans would ultimately reject the brash billionaire on Election Day.


NBC’s Lauer moderated the Commander-In-Chief Forum, broadcast from New York’s Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum, located in the Intrepid aircraft carrier on the Hudson River. The one-hour forum was co-hosted by NBC News and the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, and was moderated by NBC’s Matt Lauer. The forum could serve as a warm-up to their highly anticipated first presidential debate, scheduled for September 26 in NY.

“I was totally against the war in Iraq”, Trump countered.

Signaling a shift on another major issue in the campaign, Trump said he’d be open to letting undocumented people who serve in the military gain legal status. “And I know the kind of penetrating questions she can ask and how she gets right to the issues”.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation found that she repeatedly sent or received material marked “confidential” – a lower form of classification, but one which is defined as information that “reasonably could be expected to cause damage to the national security”. “I think that’s yet another very strong piece of evidence as to why he should never be anywhere near the White House”, Clinton said. “There were no headers”.

Through the primary season, the real estate mogul turned GOP nominee touted his “secret plan” to defeat the Islamic State and its rising threat around the globe. To that end, she is seeking an “intelligence surge” that includes better intelligence sharing and cooperation with Silicon Valley to target ISIS and other terror groups.

“We will be defended because without defense, we don’t have a country”.

– Trump once again incorrectly claimed that he was opposed to the war with Iraq before the invasion. He said, “That’s how well we did”.

“We have to defeat ISIS”.

“This will increase certainty in the defence community as to funding and will allow military leaders to plan for our future defence needs”.

For Bill Clinton, critiques of Donald Trump’s foundation for an illegal donation to the Florida attorney general is more than just politics, aides and friends say. Clinton “probably knows how to find them”, he said.

“I have great faith in Director Comey and let’s be honest”.

In military terms, the first national security battle between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump took the form of mutually assured destruction.

Echoing remarks he made Tuesday in North Carolina, Trump said that during his first 30 days in office, he would call on generals to come up with a plan to take on and destroy ISIS.

Democrats said Wednesday they aren’t willing to change their budget principles.

Trump renewed his praise of Russian President Vladimir Putin for having “great control over his country”.

But Lauer immediately quoted a 2013 tweet from Trump that said, “26,000 unreported sexual assaults in the military-only 238 convictions”.

“We are certainly seeing more and more millennial voters registering as unaffiliated than any other generation”, said Dr. Bitzer.

“This will require military warfare, but also cyber warfare, financial warfare, and ideological warfare”, he said.

But he was also harshly critical of the military, saying America’s generals have been “reduced to rubble” under Obama.


A Trump adviser, speaking on the condition of anonymity to share details ahead of the speech, said Trump would ensure the additional spending is fully paid for.

Donald Trump Seeks Massive US Military Buildup, ISIS Defeat Plan