
Trump confident he’ll be endorsed by African-American pastors

God can’t vote, but those who claim to hear him can.


He said: “I saw it. So many people saw it. So, why would I take it back? I’ve had hundreds of phone calls to the Trump Organization saying, ‘We saw it. It was dancing in the streets”, said Trump.

He even scheduled a press conference to announce it. But over the weekend, a number of the pastors invited to the event at Trump Tower in Manhattan started challenging the claim that they were about to endorse The Donald. “This didn’t happen in New Jersey”, said Todd at one point.

CHUCK TODD: In Jersey city? A pastor was explaining how and why Mr. George W. Bush was anointed and appointed “for such a time as this”.

“I do think pressure was put on them by people who may disagree with certain things”, added Trump, who said he has “a great relationship with the black pastors”. “I think probably it will be an endorsement by some”. Just play cool. There’s people in this country, that love our country, that saw this – by the hundreds they’re calling, they’re tweeting.

Since news about the endorsements surfaced, reaction has been mixed between confusion and anger, according to the Daily Beast, which cites recent polls, which reveal that Trump’s support from African Americans, has been three and 10 percent.

But how long will this show-Mr.

In business, and in politics, Trump gets that it’s important to simply move on.

Pulpiteers have an immeasurable influence over their parishioners and their support for Mr. Trump could be disastrous, as it would result, more than likely, in congregants en masse following suit, forcing the mainstream media-not that they need any motivation-to continue to cover Mr. Trump at the expense of more qualified and dignified candidates.

“Nothing seems to matter”, conservative commentator Brit Hume said on Fox News Sunday, and then quoted Abraham Lincoln: “You can fool some people all the time”. How the campaign handles Monday’s event will speak volumes about how a Trump administration would handle, say, the eventual revelation that mass deportations of undocumented immigrants didn’t turn out to be possible after all. They also expressed concern that the meeting on Monday would “give Trump the appearance of legitimacy among those who follow your leadership and respect your position as clergy”. It could be that they wouldn’t now the voice of God if harmonized with the cast of Glee in a reprise of ‘Old Man River’.

“I watched when the World Trade Center came tumbling down”. There has to be, though, individuals in that space, other than the politico’s pulpiteers, who hear the voice of God with clarity.


And Trump’s presidential campaign has canceled a press conference with Trump and those religious leaders.

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