
Trump Continues to Soar, Followed by Carson and Cruz — Fox News Poll

He’s mellow, I feel like he knows what he’s talking about – whereas Trump is a loose cannon. “Well, I think they are and their usual reaction is to try to marginalize whoever is giving them a little bit of heat”.


Jeb Bush was the headliner for the Polk County GOP fundraiser. McDaniel said he is “personally” leaning toward Bush because of his affinity for President George H.W. Bush. Trump was once again rated as the least likeable Republican candidate. Gov. Pence has not publicly supported a candidate and neither has Indiana Republican Chairman Jeff Cardwell.

Carson also struggled to both explain and defend his 10 percent flat tax plan – one in which he said earners would pay “according to your ability” but that in fact would turn the progressive federal income tax system on its head. Among the Republican 17 is our very own Bobby Jindal, born in Louisiana six months after he travelled from Punjab in his mother’s womb, and who fancying himself as all-American is exhausted of hyphenated Americans and much else. The son and brother of presidents spoke about the “sheer incompetency” in Washington, D.C., like any insurgent candidate looking to sweep in from the outside and reform the political system.

The surge of Donald Trump has become a shock-and-awe spectacle, with few Hoosiers jumping on that bandwagon.

Garry Fredericksen, a 69-year-old retiree who drove from Indianapolis to Iowa to witness “the best retail politics in the United States”, called Fiorina “awesome; fabulous”.

Howard County Republican Chairman Craig Dunn likened Trump to the 2012 version of U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann, who led in Iowa for a time during that cycle.

Trump’s boorishness, however, isn’t the GOP’s biggest obstacle on the way to gender parity.

There are a number of tell-tale signs that there is volcanic volatility in play. Marco Rubio – have caught his eye, because of their experience winning races in two key presidential swing states. That was a jaw dropper. It has a margin of error of plus or minus 3 percentage points. He was at 26 percent before the debate. And Donald Trump stood at 26/56 percent. Scott Walker, who joined the party too late, is behind Bush at 6%, and Marco Rubio continues his slide among Fox New watchers and is now sitting in ninth place.

Businesswoman Carly Fiorina, who was widely viewed as the victor of the undercard debate, has jumped to seventh in the 17-person GOP field, up from 2 percent to 5 percent heading into the second debate next month. Several Republicans believe there are pockets of support for both U.S. Sens. Rand Paul, R-Ky., round out the top ten.


During an interview with TheBlaze Monday, Rubio told host Glenn Beck that he is unfazed by Trump’s continued lead in the polls, saying that “these things all work out” in the end. “I think we’re a team”.

Donald Trump GOP front-runner