
Trump criticises US policy on Russian TV

Larry King interviewed Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on his show, “PoliticKING”, Thursday night, which was carried on the Kremlin-backed news outlet, Russia Today (RT). The title of that release: “95 Retired Generals and Admirals Endorse Hillary Clinton”.


During her remarks in Charlotte, Clinton also spoke about being a senator for NY during the 9/11 terrorist attacks 15 years ago, as well as her involvement, while secretary of state, in the us raid on Osama Bin Laden’s Pakistani compound that resulted in his death. “She’s trigger-happy, pushing recklessly for regime change, but never creating or promoting civility or advancing the core interests of the United States that we all love”. Up until the final day, there were concerns that Trump might back out, one of the organizers said on condition of anonymity.

Trump’s praise of Putin, which he repeated during a televised national security forum on Wednesday night, has drawn sharp criticism from Democrats and some Republicans. “…certainly, in that system, he’s been a leader, far more than our president has been a leader”, Mr. Trump said, comparing Mr. Putin to Mr. Obama.

Barack Obama has chided Donald Trump as “wacky” and “uninformed” after the Republican candidate said Russia’s President Putin was a better leader.

“I only said that he was a bright person”. Trump then attacked Obama and Clinton, the president’s first secretary of state, for their roles in the US troop withdrawal from Iraq.

“You heard him with Howard Stern say “yeah, I guess so, ‘” Conway said”.

Trump and his campaign’s admiration for Putin and Russian Federation has been one of the stranger plotlines during the 2016 election.

Donald Trump speaks at a rally in Pensacola, Florida on September 9, 2016. “Hillary Clinton is unfit to be President, for many reasons, the biggest of which her judgement is so bad”, Trump said in his address to the Values Voters summit.

Some of those Republicans will join Clinton Friday for what she dubbed at “working session” on the threat of terrorism.

“The nominee on the other side promises to do things that will make us less safe”, Mrs Clinton said.

Trump stood by a previous comment that appeared to blame military sexual assaults on men and women serving together, but added he would not seek to remove women from the military. “I do want to win for the evangelicals because they have been so supportive of me”.

“I have the most loyal people, did you ever see that?”


House Speaker Paul Ryan, the top elected Republican official, who has frequently broken with Mr. Trump, took a sharply different view.

Opinion: Trump's performance at forum puzzling