
Trump criticized for comments on Muslim mother of fallen United States soldier

She wrote in the Washington Post: “When Donald Trump is talking about Islam, he is ignorant”. Sacrifice. I don’t think he knows the meaning of sacrifice.


One of the most memorable moments from the two week spectacle that was the back to back Republican and Democratic national conventions was a moving speech by Khizr Khan, who spoke onstage at the DNC as a representative of the American Muslim community.

In an interview with CNN’s Jim Acosta, Khizr Khan, the father of a deceased US soldier, slams Donald Trump, claiming the GOP nominee lacks empathy and a moral compass.

Trump broke a political and societal taboo over the weekend when he criticized Khizr and Ghazala Khan, the bereaved parents of Capt. Humayun Khan, who was awarded a Bronze Star and a Purple Heart after he was killed in Iraq in 2004. “For all these years, I haven’t been able to clean the closet where his things are – I had to ask my daughter-in-law to do it. Walking onto the convention stage, with a huge picture of my son behind me, I could hardly control myself”, she wrote.

“Donald Trump and I believe that Captain Humayun Khan is an American hero and his family, like all Gold Star families, should be cherished by every American”, Mike Pence, the Republican vice presidential nominee, said as the national outrage over Trump’s comment refused to die down.

In the ABC interview, Trump noted that Khan’s wife Ghazala stood at his side during the speech and said nothing, and suggested that she was not allowed to speak. He added that he had “created thousands and thousands of jobs, tens of thousands of jobs”.

Kaine did the same, invoking Republican Ohio Gov. John Kasich’s tweet bashing Trump’s remarks on the Khan family.

Earlier on Thursday, father of Humayun accused Trump of vilifying patriotic American Muslims while “sacrificing nothing” himself, in a steely rebuke that electrified the Democratic convention. Khan told Trump he’s “sacrificed nothing and no one”.

“The love and affection that we have received affirms that our grief – that our experience in this country has been correct and positive”, Khan said today.

Top Republican lawmakers, Speaker Paul Ryan and Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, also condemned Trump’s remarks, although they did not mention their presidential candidate by name.

From a luxury hotel on the edge of the Rocky Mountains, some of the nation’s most powerful Republican donors are rebelling against Donald Trump.

“I’ve made a lot of sacrifices”, Trump also told ABC News.

“We feel we must speak out and demand you apologise to the Khans, to all Gold Star families, and to all Americans for your offensive, and frankly anti-American comments”.


They both also issued fresh statements rejecting Trump’s proposal to impose religious tests for entry into the United States, saying the idea is against American values.

'I am appalled': 2 prominent Republicans delivered blistering rebukes of Trump's attacks on the Khan family