
Trump criticizes Ben Carson, says he doesn’t have ‘energy’

Clinton is trying to put a damaging storyline about her personal email use behind her, after finally and belatedly apologizing and saying it was a mistake to have her own private email server while serving as secretary of state. “I just have to be myself”.


“Everybody else’s foreign policy is bulls-t”, Elliott said.

In polls in national and early-voting states, Carson is second only to Trump. But he appears to be connecting with Republican voters at a rate that even his closest aides didn’t predict. Trump might again be alone on that one, after picking a fight with Carly Fiorina and engaging in one with Ben Carson.

Yet if Jeb Bush, the former Florida governor and archetype of the type of candidate who has succeeded here, is hoping that blue-state Republicans can rescue his campaign, the poll offers little comfort.

Carson turns his attention to traditional political fundraising this month, as he attends 25 events across the country where price of entry starts at $1,000.

The findings also highlight the challenge for Walker, who had been leading most Iowa polls earlier in the summer and has in recent weeks tried to jump-start his campaign.

What to watch Wednesday: Now that he’s a top-tier candidate, Carson won’t be ignored for a half-hour stretch as he was in the first debate.

Carson said his time on the boards of Kellogg Co and Costco Wholesale Corp, including on compensation committees, showed he had well-rounded experience.

The brilliant retired neurosurgeon had lost senior staff and his money-raising efforts were dismissed as shambolic, then a curious thing happened: Dr Carson began gaining support.

Three other Republican hopefuls met with tailgating fans – Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker and Sens. The story inspired a television movie and gives Carson unique standing in a Republican Party often criticized as the party of older, wealthy, white men.

“I’m just intrigued by what he has to say“, said Gina Navratil of Ames, a self-described Republican voter.

Speaking afterward to The Associated Press, he suggested the “Black Lives Matter” rallying cry that emerged after Brown’s death should be changed to exclude the word “Black”.

He’s expected to focus on party unity on the debate stage after declining to respond to his competitors’ jabs in recent days.

“Ben’s a doctor and he’s not a deal-maker”, Trump said Sunday in a phone interview on CBS’ “Face the Nation”. Which one works better as a piece of negative rhetoric? Cruz on Saturday said Perry did “a remarkable job as governor” and praised him for running “an honorable campaign”.

A campaign spokeswoman also told The Washington Post that the presidential candidate had scrapped expected remarks at the Mackinac Republican Leadership Conference, set for Friday night.

The political establishment remains skeptical of his chances, but Carson doesn’t seem to mind.


“Mr. Trump says that I can’t speak Spanish”, Bush told the crowd in Spanish.

Donald Trump