
Trump criticizes US policy on Russian television

But it is the private schools that get to pick and choose the students they want to admit – and who knows if they’ll even accept vouchers in the first place?


Trump also sought on Friday to blame Clinton after reports North Korea had tested a nuclear weapon, arguing it was the fourth such test since the Democrat became secretary of state in 2009 and that she should have ended the nation’s nuclear program before her tenure ended.

Most of these statements matched up nearly perfectly with statements made by his political adversaries on the Republican side last summer and fall.

“Each state will develop its own formula, but the dollars should follow the student”, Trump said.

Asked about the decision to campaign here, Trump spokesman Jason Miller wrote in an email: “Mr. Trump believes that all children deserve the opportunity to receive a first-class education, and his school choice reform proposals will help do just that”.

He said in his Cleveland remarks that the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq had left a power void filled by Islamic State militants.

“But the $20 billion is only the beginning”.

Trump also said he will support merit-pay for teachers.

“We have the best army in the world”, he said. He said that if the aforementioned events were achieved, he would not doubt that as a nation, the US could provide school choice to every disadvantaged child in the country, Business Insider reported.

The subject of school vouchers and school choice has been at the center of a lengthy lawsuit from the Florida Education Association, which sued over the state’s Tax Credit Scholarship Program for those same reasons.

“This includes private schools, traditional public schools, magnet schools and charter schools”, he noted.

Trump chose the state of OH to reveal his voucher plan, even though a 2016 study of that state’s voucher program found that voucher students performed worse than their public school peers on math and reading tests. New Orleans students who used vouchers didn’t progress faster academically. While, in IN, state money only follows students to private schools if they qualify for the state voucher program. At about $1,800 per child, the money would be far from enough for private school tuition. As reported, many of these schools are run by Republican donors.

“I see the lies last night: Donald Trump was in favor of the war in Iraq”, Trump said before turning to his remarks about education policy.

While the details of his plan will be dissected in the coming days, it is important to not lose sight of the big picture: Donald Trump wants to end the government education monopoly and empower parents and their children.

The scheduled 2 p.m. appearance at the Cleveland Arts and Social Sciences Academy is not open to the public.


It’s possible that the sum might include what is now the largest portion of federal K-12 spending, about $15 billion, distributed under Title I to support the education of low-income children. The audience were mostly African-American students and educators.

Yvetta Songofunmi