
Trump, Cruz Agree on One Thing: Rubio Should Quit

Ted Cruz urged MI voters Monday night to head to the polls for him – arguing that he is the only candidate in the GOP field that can defeat front-runner Donald Trump and win the party’s nomination. What’s more interesting is his win in ME, where so many people expected that the business mogul would sweep the state in the blink of an eye.


Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump gives a thumbs up during a South Carolina Republican primary night event, Saturday, Feb. 20, 2016 in Spartanburg, S.C. Trump is the victor in the South Carolina Republican primary.

Amid the incessant talk of Trump “inevitability”, voters’ verdicts seem to be telling a rather different story.

Put very simply: Ted Cruz is winning in states that have closed caucuses or closed primaries, while Donald Trump is winning in states with open caucuses or open primaries.

Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders speak at the Democratic presidential candidate in MI. “Let’s have some facts instead of some rhetoric for a change”, Clinton snapped at Sanders at one point.

Sanders did vote for a 2009 motion to block the release of those funds, though the measure was defeated by 45 Democrats, including Clinton, and a handful of Republicans.

Trump said, “I want Ted one-on-one, okay?”

Some more mainstream Republicans have cast both Trump and Cruz as unelectable in a November face-off with the Democratic nominee.

On the eve of his second visit to the First Coast in four days, a new poll has some good news and bad news for Florida Senator Marco Rubio’s presidential campaign.

The editors say front-runner Trump “lacks the experience and temperament to be president”, while the “unequivocal” Cruz “has alienated nearly everyone he’s worked with” and “scares us”.

Hawaii was also holding its caucuses on Tuesday. Both polls from Gravis Marketing and Public Policy Polling had Trump sitting at 45 percent to Rubio’s 25 percent.

Rules requiring a candidate to reach a threshold to get a share of the delegates on offer in the three primary states on Tuesday could see him fall further behind Cruz, who has already suggested his fellow senator should get out of the race. And if you were supporting someone else, let me tell you: we welcome you to our team. The Texas senator brought in 64 delegates and almost overcame early voting estimates to win in Louisiana.

MI may also be a barometer of Kasich’s prospects in his own state of OH next week, which is a make-or-break contest for him.

Trump came into Tuesday’s Republican races with 384 delegates, followed by Cruz (300), Rubio (151) and Kasich (37).

“What these trade agreements have done is decimate community after community in the Midwest and all over America”, Sanders said in the state on Monday.

“I represent women across the state, women’s issues around women’s economic security and around access to affordable child care, living wages, higher wages, equal pay”, Welchlin said outside the Capitol in Jackson. She had support from 1,130 convention delegates to 499 for Mr. Sanders. But they’re quickly running out of options – and candidates -to prevent one of the men from becoming the GOP standard-bearer.


Clinton likely secured the majority of Mississippi’s 36 delegates, putting her even closer to winning the 2,383 delegates needed to secure the Democratic nomination.

Cruz emerging as Trump alternative