
Trump, Cruz trade jabs on social media

It featured a series of sharp exchanges between Trump and Sen.


“Cruz fought like hell to get Justice Roberts in there”. Mill, S.C. “You know in terms of a commander in chief, I think we ought to have someone who isn’t springing out of bed and tweeting in response to the latest polls”. Everyone knew what he meant and most conservatives, if they had thought about it at all, would have agreed. “But it seems insane because some of those people were waiting on line for seven hours in the cold”. It is 16 per cent better than Ted Cruz.

On Saturday morning, Trump, the frontrunner for the Republican presidential nomination, used Twitter to fire a fierce broadside at the Texas senator, whom he called a “natural born Canadian“, “owned” by the big banks and “special interests that control him“.

On Saturday, after climbing out of an elevator that got stuck before fully hitting its floor, Cruz joked to reporters: “Who put Donald Trump in charge of the elevator?”

“He’s a nasty guy”, Trump said on ABC’s This Week with George Stephanopoulos. “In New York, people don’t say ‘Hi” to their neighbors, they say, ‘Hello, Newman”.

Karen Whitham, a 72-year-old from West Des Moines, Iowa, said of the field: “Some of them should just drop out”.

It’s hard to imagine that there was once a bromance between Donald Trump and Ted Cruz.

“That’s a precarious model”, Paul Tewes, who organized then-Sen.

Klein said the campaign picture will be very interesting if Sanders wins Iowa and New Hampshire. Ballots aren’t cast at polling stations open from dawn to dusk. They expressed support for one candidate or the other based largely on stylistic differences.

“It’s a much higher hurdle than voting in a (traditional) election”, Tewes said.

Yet Trump’s campaign has, so far, defied all those who doubt it. In Iowa, Trump and Cruz are the clear leaders. They have diligently built a voter database using the information entered when fans sign up online to attend his events, where Trump staffers canvass the crowd seeking commitments and answering questions.

Trump went on to bash Congress and the trillion dollar omnibus bill that passed last month.

A Des Moines Register/Bloomberg Politics poll reported last week showed Cruz leading Trump within the poll’s 4.4 point margin of error. “Then finds out that on his personal disclosure form, he didn’t disclose that he’s borrowing a lot of money from Goldman Sachs”, Trump said. “We are supposed to be lifting off, I don’t think the plane is going to be lifting off”. “Trump is number one, and Cruz is second, in SC values”.

Mr Trump’s anti-Muslim diatribes find resonance among evangelicals, a group that according to the Pew Research Centre has the least favourable opinion of Muslims in the United States. Charlie Condon, the former attorney general of SC, outlined how they would focus on what opponents see as Mr Trump’s socially liberal streak.

Echoing Rogers, Cruz said voters have to answer one question.

“I have his quote right here”, Rubio said eagerly.

The risk for the more mainstream candidates is that Trump or Cruz generates momentum in the first two states, and it’s too strong to stop as the race turns to SC and beyond. “They say ‘Hello, Newman'”. “And that’s what the primary process is all about”, Cruz said. “We’ve been through eight years of hell and we can’t do it anymore”. When a woman asked how she could convince neighbors and friends who are supporters of Trump, Cruz took a more circumspect route to his criticism.


Regarding the NY values crack, Cruz made a joking apology to the people of the city and state for having to bear the burdens of Democratic lawmakers. “I supported her, but I am angry”, Trump said.

Team Cruz Makes It Trump against Trump