
Trump declares himself the ‘law and order candidate’

Deleting the clause in rule 40(a) which says that if there is only one candidate for VP, a “a motion to nominate for such office by acclamation shall be in order and no calling of the roll with respect to such office shall be required”.


Correll said the decision, which removes one tool that party leaders and the Trump campaign had to enforce primary results, will embolden anti-Trump delegates in the other states that have similar provisions.

“I don’t need two anti-establishment people”, Trump said.

Trump said such hostilities must end and added that the job of the next president would be to “make America safe again”, including in its inner cities where violence is worst and where policing is needed the most.

“The VA scandals that have occurred on this administration’s watch are widespread and inexcusable”.

When asked who’s Forbes’ top pick for vice president among the five now considered his top choices – former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, Gov. Chris Christie, Gov. Mike Pence, Sen. Trump won more votes in Virginia than any of his challengers.

The presumptive Republican nominee Monday ripped Clinton’s use of a private email server and said that “she’s probably the most surprised person that she was able to get away with it”.

In addition to reducing wait times and expanding programs to allow veterans to seek care in VA facilities or private medical centers, Trump pledged to increase mental health resources, decrying the growing suicide rate among veterans as “a national tragedy that’s not talked about”.

Trump offered few specifics beyond his 10-point plan, but he said he was confident it would save taxpayers money.

Putnam said Payne’s opinion was “a very narrow ruling striking down the prosecutorial ability” of the state attorney general, or anyone else who tried to bring charges against a delegate who goes rogue on the first ballot.

Borges and Duprey, like Republican leaders across the nation, acknowledged that the national party has reduced its staffing plans in recent months.

Trump said “the tragic deaths in Louisiana and Minnesota make clear the work that must be done to ensure every American feels that their safety is protected”. John McCain, who was a prisoner of war in Vietnam; comments that seemed to equate Trump’s own experience at a military boarding school with military service itself; and questions about his donations to veterans’ charities. “But how? I don’t know”.

“Veterans should watch Trump making fun of the disabled”, wrote commenter Gwenn Murry, referring to his mocking of a New York Times reporter with a physical disability. Two Trump aides who worked with surrogates resigned from the campaign last week.


The upshot? “The findings suggest Trump is struggling to even rebuild the losing coalition Romney assembled”, Bloomberg concluded – although other polls say the presumptive 2016 GOP nominee has shown more pull than Romney did with white voters who lack a college degree.

Speculation grows on Trump VP pick