
Trump Defends Iraq War Claim Under Fresh Democratic Criticism

As Hillary Clinton was leaving the podium following a brief statement and answering a few questions regarding her meeting with national security leaders on Friday, she stopped to answer a shouted question about Donald Trump’s praise of Vladimir Putin.


Trump Wednesday night at a forum hosted by NBC News said that he knows more about ISIS than the USA military generals, who “have been reduced to rubble” under Obama and Clinton.

Responding to a press question about whether she believed she experienced different treatment as a female candidate, Clinton said in comments carried by CNN: “I’m going to let all of you ponder that last question”. It fired off a fund-raising email after the forum, pointing out that Lauer “failed to fact-check” when Trump falsely said he opposed the 2003 invasion of Iraq before it happened. During today’s press conference, Clinton reaffirmed her commitment to defeating ISIS and said she would make it a top priority to hunt down the terrorist group’s leader and bring him to justice as the US did with Osama bin Laden.

“Speaking in December, the Russian leader said Trump is a very outstanding person, talented, without any doubt”. Both candidates believe they have the upper hand, with Clinton contrasting her experience with Trump’s unpredictability and the Republican arguing that Americans anxious about their safety will be left with more of the same if they elect Obama’s former secretary of state.

The White House said it had no comment on Trump’s remarks.

Paduchik also said many reporters are “fixated” on how many field offices and staff Trump’s campaign has in OH, a key swing state.

Olsen, who also served as general counsel for the National Security Agency, fundraised for Clinton in Virginia and is the co-founder of IronNet Cybersecurity with former NSA chief Keith Alexander.

“The effect of the Republican and Democratic conventions on the presidential race has run its course. That’s the single greatest achievement of Hillary Clinton”, he said, and the crowd began to chant, “Lock her up”.

Trump and Clinton supporters went on the offensive on social media Wednesday night and Thursday morning, defending their candidates’ performances during the forum. “My opponent was for the war in Iraq”.

For instance, Mr. Trump said he has a plan to quickly defeat the Islamic State (IS), but when asked for details, he replied: “I have a plan”.


“Incident after incident proves again and again: Hillary Clinton lacks the judgment, the temperament and the moral character to lead this nation”, he said. The group is scheduled to meet at the New York Historical Society.

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