
Trump defends proposed ban on Muslims into US

He said he would not support internment camps. “I absolutely would not agree with that”, Carson said in an interview with NBC’s “Meet The Press”.


Marzka explained that he believes Islam “allows for the killing of people” and said he thinks Muslim culture “is absolutely contrary to our culture”.

Patel also drew attention to how unsound Trump’s call is, saying, “He’s trying to alienate not only the Muslim population of the United States but all the Muslims around the world”.

“We are anxious because we have been a part of this community in the United States for many generations”, Allie told the Guardian.

We do not have to do it, but the other candidates, unable to nuance their spittle, went all in with “no religious tests” and “yes we must do this because it is who we are”.

“We’re at war. Get it through your head, Chris”. That’s why the media, politicians and citizens should finally bid farewell to the idea that Trump will somehow just vanish again like a bad dream.

According to latest election polls in the US, Trump is the Republican candidate with the strongest voter support at the moment.

Since the November 13 attacks in Paris that killed 130 people and wounded hundreds more, a number of Republican presidential contenders have proposed restrictions on Syrian refugees – with several suggesting preference for Christians seeking asylum – and tighter surveillance in the U.S. “Donald Trump is unhinged”, former Florida governor Jeb Bush said via Twitter.

“It’s a violent blood cult. OK? Although we are not as advanced as the USA, we have never elected such people to power in Pakistan”. “It’s not a peace-loving religion”, he said, before specifying that “not all of them” are violent people.

Trump stood by his statements, first made before a campaign rally on Monday evening, and reaffirmed them on two morning talk shows the following day when he said he wanted Muslim Americans to, “turn in the bad ones“, presumably in reference to radicalized Americans. I have friends who are Muslims, they’re great people. “And more importantly, it’s not what this country stands for”, said Paul Ryan, who went on to salute the Muslims fighting in the military, serving as members of Congress, and helping fight ISIL.

“This is racist bulls-t”, he chanted.

Fox News host Greta Van Susteren on Monday night grilled Donald Trump on his new proposal to ban all Muslims from immigrating the United States, but the real estate mogul defended his plan.

So, per Erickson, if Obama’s for it, the smart move is to be against it, even if the thing Obama is for is the Constitution of the United States.

But still, he’s sticking with Trump.


John Kasich slammed Mr Trump’s “outrageous divisiveness”, while a more measured Ted Cruz, who has always been cautious about upsetting the tycoon’s supporters, said: “Well, that is not my policy”.

Kevin Frayer  Stringer