
Trump denies reported meeting with Secret Service over gun advocacy comments

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is denying a 10 August 2016 report by CNN that his campaign has been spoken to by the Secret Service over remarks he made about “Second Amendment people” stopping his presidential rival Hillary Clinton from picking a Supreme Court justice. CNN cited an anonymous source for their claim. He denied that his comments were created to incite violence, despite many seeing it that way, and a few insinuating that he may have been calling for Clinton’s assassination.


One would imagine that the U.S.S.S. has much more pressing matters to attend to than hassling well-respected and law-abiding citizens over non-threatening statements.

The comments came one day after 50 senior Republican national officials had published a letter in which they said Mr Trump was unsuitable to occupy the White House.

Scarborough and his co-host, Mika Brzezinski, were once accused of being overly familiar with Trump during the early days of the Republican presidential primary, but have landed on the candidate’s “blacklist” after Brzezinski appeared disappointed in House speaker Paul Ryan’s decision to endorse his campaign.

Chris Shays, a former Republican congressman from CT, says he never voted for a Democratic governor or president.

“Words matter, my friends, and if you are running to be president or if you are president of the United States, words can have tremendous consequences”, said Clinton on Wednesday afternoon as she spoke at an Iowa Democratic rally.

Clinton insisted that this election cycle is not “normal”, adding that she had taken note of the fact that Republican figures and voters were joining her campaign upon deciding that Trump does not represent their values. Trump and his campaign have said he was not talking about violence against his opponent, but only saying that Second Amendment supporters would unite to vote against her.

Trump responded to the public outrage and said in an interview with Fox News that he was only trying to unify gun owners against Clinton in voting for her.

Vickers told CNN anchor Brooke Baldwin that he believed Trump’s comments were said sarcastically but easily misconstrued by the liberal media. “A person seeking to be the president of the United States should not suggest violence in any way”.


“If she gets to pick, if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks”.

Demonstrators shout as they protest Donald Trump at a campaign rally in Tampa Florida