
Trump details goals for first 100 days in office

Jeff Merkley of OR, the lone Democratic U.S. senator to have endorsed Bernie Sanders, told the convention gathering that the party must unite behind Clinton in order to defeat Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump. And Quinnipiac University polls had them tied in swing states Pennsylvania and OH, though the presumptive Democratic nominee had an eight-point lead in Florida.


“I’ve been trying all day to make sure that everybody feels like we are listening, like everyone is trying to get to a place where we are unified”, she said about the vote.

“It doesn’t appear that I’m going to be the nominee, so I’m not going to determine the scope of the convention”, he said when host Steve Scully asked whether he would speak at the Democratic National Convention.

So when will Sanders’ Secret Service detail stand down?

Clinton’s and Sanders’ campaigns are discussing ways of addressing key economic issues in the Democratic platform which will be approved at the Philadelphia convention, including trade, providing free college tuition and cutting student debt and expanding Medicare and Social Security.

Clinton campaign hands are relieved the primary campaign against Vermont Sen.

The two met at Clinton’s house in DC on Friday.

Clinton is “a world-class liar”, Trump said. Nationwide, she’s less well known: 40% of voters say they haven’t heard of her or don’t have an opinion, while those who do have an impression are about evenly divided, 31% favorable to 29% unfavorable.

Earlier this month Hilary Clinton made a major foreign policy address in which she criticized Trump’s statement in April that Japan and South Korea should have their own nuclear armaments rather relying on the U.S. because it is costing too much money. Democratic Party opponents of Clinton have declared the Democratic Party’s nomination process undemocratic.

“It was a thing of beauty”, joked Joe Crowley, D-N.Y., who shouted, “you’re really working it”, in the meeting.

Becerra has been floated as a possible No. 2 for Clinton, but he said that he was not being vetted “to my knowledge”. Tim Kaine and Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julian Castro, have been informed that Clinton has begun eyeing them for the role. I think we badly need a change.

A top Republican official says he is anxious that some party leaders may help rebellious delegates who are hoping to derail Donald Trump’s presidential nomination at next month’s GOP national convention.

“He’s still a candidate for president, so we continue to protect him”, one agent said.

Donald Trump says the country’s problems “can only be fixed by me”, and not his general election opponent, Hillary Clinton.


Clinton delivered the remarks in a speech about the economy. The controversies overshadowed news coverage of Clinton’s own liabilities and hampered Trump’s efforts to make a case against her — especially after a highly critical State Department Inspector General’s report found she had broken regulations by setting up a private email server as secretary of state.

Washington State Democrats