
Trump Didn’t Commit Treason With Russia Remark

At the Republican convention, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie called Clinton a “failed strategist who has permitted Russian Federation back in as a major player in the Middle East”.


But the exhortation for a USA adversary to use cyber intrusions against an American political candidate drew criticism from intelligence experts and other public figures, including some Republicans. Some prominent conservatives wouldn’t even agree to be interviewed by ABC News for this story.

U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton says Russian intelligence services hacked into Democratic National Committee (DNC) computers and has accused Republican contender Donald Trump of backing Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Eli Lake is a Bloomberg View columnist who writes about politics and foreign affairs.

Acknowledging that too many Americans feel that they’ve been left out and left behind by the economy and the government, Clinton said, “The kind of inflammatory answers that Trump has provided, blame somebody, blame immigrants, blame Muslims, blame women, blame somebody is attractive in the first instance to people who are looking for answers”.

Maybe so, but it’s not the only statement of that ilk.

ABC host George Stephanopoulos corrected Donald Trump after the Republican presidential nominee claimed that Russian Federation was “not going to go into Ukraine”. Trump seemed to be saying, if anyone did hack into it in the past and still has the e-mails it contained, turn them over. Will Trump end the world? “Nobody serious thinks that”, Pletka told ABC News.

Clinton pointed to Trump’s comments in recent days apparently encouraging the Russian government to hack her to obtain her deleted private emails, and she noted the remarks about Crimea and sanctions. “And also if the US would lift sanctions that are [inaudible]?”

Hillary Clinton says Trump has “shown a very troubling willingness to back up Putin”. According to him, the United States, a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, can decide whether or not it will help an ally under attack.

Trump told Fox News on Thursday that he was “of course” being sarcastic. North Atlantic Treaty Organisation members are required to spend 2 percent of their GDP on national defense.

“We have just discussed what had happened in trade between (Russia) and the (United) States and between (Russia) and the European Union, as (the trade) is in a slump with both of them”. We are in North Atlantic Treaty Organisation because it is the most secure, most successful alliance in modern history. And it is our interest to be in North Atlantic Treaty Organisation. “My biggest concern going out there to make that speech Thursday night was whether or not I could control my emotions”. “But you know, the people of Crimea, from what I’ve heard, would rather be with Russian Federation than where they were”.

In Moscow on Wednesday, Putin’s spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, said Russian Federation would never interfere in another country’s election.

In Moscow on Wednesday, Putin’s spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, said Russian Federation would never interfere in another country’s election.


Trump loves Putin. Trump knows Putin.

Donal Trump is Hillary Clinton's Republican rival in the race for the White House