
Trump dig! I don’t live in reality TV: Rick Perry

Former Texas Governor Rick Perry challenged Donald Trump to a pull-up contest in response to Trump questioning Perry’s brain power.


In his speech at the event, Perry struck a populist tone by vowing he would not have a “single” bank bailout as president and suggesting he would support something like the Glass-Steagall Act, which separated commercial and investment banks.

In Perry’s lengthy speech, he said that the roots of the financial crisis stretch back into the early 1990’s, when Washington regulators “fell asleep at the switch” and Washington politicians “changed laws that created the housing crisis”. “To be quite frank, they were screwed”.

Perry told the Yale Club, an audience which included many on Wall Street and in the banking industry, that many Americans came out of the 2008 financial crash believing that the ‘game is rigged and that Wall Street is out for itself.’.

He explained that it was during the Clinton administration that “seeds were sown” which would eventually harm America’s middle-class.

“Having worn the uniform of the country, being the governor of the 12th largest economy in the world the last 14 years, all of that makes me pretty unique”, Perry said.

Rick Perry has a plan to change the way the federal government regulates Wall Street and it is … kind of left-wing.

Perry wants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to stop pushing for a revival of subprime mortgages and to implement curbs on cash-out refinancing.

Fox News host Chris Wallace asked Perry what he’d do first as president of the United States.

Perry put a personal touch on his proposals, advocating for community banks like the one whose board he served on in Haskell, Texas, to be exempt from financial regulations under the Dodd-Frank Act.

“Democrats have a 1915 view of the 2015 economy”, Perry said, accusing them of building a costly “toll bridge to the 21st Century”. In the very next statement, the man ended up asking for a better regulatory climate for the digital currency sector as well.


“We’re just a few good decisions away from unleashing tremendous growth.”

Rick Perry: 'The Next Crash Is on the Horizon'