
Trump Dismisses Outrage Over Russian Hacker Invite as ‘Sarcastic’

Sputnik assiduously reports on new opinion polls that show Trump drawing even with Clinton or exceeding her.


In a news conference in Florida, Mr Trump said he had “nothing to do with Russia”. If he is elected, which is entirely possible, financial markets and foreign countries would be routinely influenced by his words.

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump says it’s “far-fetched” and “ridiculous” to say Russian Federation hacked Democratic Party emails to help him become president. “I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press”, the NY billionaire had said Wednesday. Let’s see if that happens.

Trump’s campaign pushed back against claims that he was inviting Russian Federation to hack Clinton’s emails.

“Why should I tell Putin what to do?”

“You have to be kidding”, Trump said in response to another question.

When challenged by the press to condemn foreign powers that may be trying to intervene in the USA election, Mr Trump replied: “No, it gives me no pause”.

Trump was referencing emails on Clinton’s private server that she said she deleted, saying they were private, before turning other messages over to the State Department.

“I mean her No. 1 person, Huma Abedin, is married to Anthony Weiner, who’s a sleazeball and a pervert”.

TRUMP: “Hundreds of people walked out of the Democrat convention last night”.

Shortly after Trump’s extraordinary remarks Wednesday, his Republican running mate, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, took a different tack and warned of “serious consequences” if Russian Federation interfered in the election.

The current GOP presidential nominee swatted back the notion that his son might run, and weighed in on Weiner’s comments.

“Anthony Weiner is a proven loser, I mean, look how he’s locked up in a room”. Wouldn’t that be insane, to tell you what I’d do? Why do I have to get involved with Putin? He already did something today where he said don’t blame them, essentially, for your incompetence.

“I would treat Vladimir Putin firmly, but there’s nothing I can think of than I’d rather do than have Russian Federation friendly as opposed to the way they are right now so that we can go and knock out ISIS together with other people and with other countries”, he said.

Whoever shared the emails with WikiLeaks, the senior administration official said, “sure as hell didn’t do that for our benefit”.

“They talk about religion, they talk about race, they talk about all sorts of things, including women, and what they said in those e-mails is a disgrace”, he said. Mike Pence, his running mate, that called on punishment for the hackers. “I’ve never spoken to him”. “But inviting” goes too far, he said. “France is no longer France”.

The former first lady, USA senator and secretary of state will step out of the shadows of presidents past and present on Thursday for her chance to persuade Americans that she is the best choice to helm a nation looking for a new era of leadership.

“Zero, I mean I will tell you right now, zero, I have nothing to do with Russian Federation”, he added.

Quite aside from this anti-Trump effect, however, many global audiences want Clinton as president given the strong role she played as secretary of state in the Obama administration in helping to restore the USA reputation in the world following George W. Bush’s presidency.

“I think everything’s is out of date”.

Pressed specifically on what he would change about the Geneva Conventions, Trump declined to get into the details.

“Part of the problem with this country is they go and they say, we’re going to do this, we’re going to attack here, we’re going to send this many men-no, no”.

If they are truly behind the email dump, he said, “they’re taking their game to another level”. Michael Hayden, the Central Intelligence Agency head under Republican President George W Bush, told Buzzfeed News Trump’s remarks were “problematic”.

“This is not a trivial matter when you have a president of the United States, whether he knows it or not, is being helped by Vladimir Putin”, he added. “But (Clinton) would be so wrong”, he said.

There are two email controversies swirling around the Hillary Clinton campaign. I won’t get into that. “And he left it out”.

The real story is that Trump put on an impressive performance.

“Be quiet”, he said.

Trump, in an appeal to disenfranchised Sanders supporters, has been arguing that Clinton’s team has deflated the progressive stalwart.

One caller objects to Sanders’ choices for the party’s platform committee and doesn’t even want the Vermont senator to have a speaking slot at the Democratic National Convention. “In fact, I think he lost his election because of that”. “Believe me!” The crowd laughed.

Statement from U.S. Sen.

Democrats and some Republicans quickly condemned Trump’s remarks.

“By the way David Hinckley should not have been freed”.

Bill and Hillary Clinton paid an overall federal tax rate of 31.6 percent between 2007 and 2014, her returns showed.


Trump’s comments are “just one more example of the reckless and unsafe comments that Donald Trump makes that compromises American foreign policy objectives”, Maryland Sen. “235 days, no news conference for Hillary Clinton”.

Donald Trump official Republican Presidential nominee