
Trump doesn’t ‘regret anything’ about Khan attacks

Khizr Khan, whose son died serving the country, delivered a blistering speech about Donald Trump at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia. Mr. and Mrs. Khan demonstrated that they were true Americans by honoring their son and standing up for something they believed in.


His son, Humayun, received a Bronze Star and a Purple Heart after he was killed by a suicide bomber in Iraq in 2004, the Associated Press reports.

“This family is our family, and any attack on this wonderful American Gold Star family is an attack on all patriotic and loyal Americans who have sacrificed to make our country great”. Khan challenged Trump to walk through Arlington National Cemetery and note the many faiths represented by the heroes who are buried there. The spat has grown into a full-blown political mess for Trump.

Trump’s response to Khizr Khan’s speech to the Democratic National Convention Thursday continues to draw attention almost a week after Mr. Khan, flanked by his wife, Ghazala Khan, rebuked Trump saying, “You have sacrificed nothing and no one”.

Since Trump and the Khans have locked horns, some Google searches have risen that are related to the controversy.

Clinton has repeatedly lied to the families of the Benghazi victims, and in answer to Smith’s RNC speech, Clinton blamed Smith’s memory as the reason for her blaming Clinton, according to Fox News.

Trump has been widely criticized, including by many Republicans, for denouncing the Khans, who are Muslim-Americans.

He called Humayun Khan, a decorated soldier, a “Muslim-American war hero”.

Khan chastised Trump’s call for a ban on immigrants from Muslim countries. His comments about John McCain made me sick. Khan continues making the shows and his disparagements. “Not religious values, human values”.

The way Trump responded to the Khans surely kept the story in the public eye as well, while Hillary Clinton’s response to Smith was much more restrained. She added that some Republicans have pledged money to Khan. “You knew that everything was going to be OK”. Khan said in an interview on PBS on Monday.

Khizr and Ghazala Khan.

What’s really amusing is in the past Donald Trump has claimed that his “personal Vietnam” was the danger of contracting a sexually-transmitted disease while he was sleeping around.

I’ve interviewed Gold Star parents, and they have a special burden to watch what they say and do so as not to let politics in any way diminish their sacrifice. “I don’t know what was in their minds, but that is how it came into being”. A 51 percent majority of registered voters agree with the Khans that Trump has “sacrificed nothing and no one” in defense of the US, including 30 percent of Republican voters and almost half of independents. Clinton’s staff eventually read it, but the edits were all done by the Khans. That memorable moment when Khan brandished a pocket copy of the Constitution was his own idea, he said.

Miller said Trump had no respect for Gold Star familes, those who have lost a soldier in the armed services. “At home we have a stack of it sitting”. We live under the shadow of Thomas Jefferson. “I’d like to hear his wife say something”, Trump told the New York Times.


So far, Khan’s fans have pledged more than $8,400 to him if he throws his hat into the ring.

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