
Trump doubles campaign spending but lags behind Clinton

“They understand the nature of taking on the left”, said former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, a Trump ally.


The campaign paid Giles-Parscale $8.4 million in July, about twice what the San Antonio firm had collected from it over the course of the preceding year.

Her campaign railed back against Trump, pointing out that he had been sued for housing discrimination and was a prime figure in questioning whether Obama, the nation’s first black president, was born in the country.

“If the Republicans are spending their time attacking and fighting each other, it gives you a little bit more liberty to go out there and articulate your message”.

Roger Stone, a former business partner of Manafort, denied that the chairman had quit because of infighting after Trump hired a new campaign leadership team.

The payments show that Trump, who has galvanised a section of the American public, will be looking to draw large funds from a grassroots online campaign.

Yet the campaign’s payroll remained thin, and there did not appear to be much new in the way of office leases across the country, including in OH and other crucial states.

“And believe it or not, I regret it”, Donald Trump said. He said they were all on payroll as of August 1, meaning they won’t show up in campaign finance reports until September 20.

The joint committees can use higher contribution limits; contributions are distributed among the campaign and national and state Democratic committees.

Still, if Trump is spending a lot of money on raising more money, that’s less to spend on reaching undecided voters in battleground states.

Only in the past week did Trump place his first round of general election advertising – almost $5 million for TV commercials in Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania and North Carolina.

While Trump did bring in a new set of advisers in the past week, it appears all but certain his comeback strategy can not benefit from the proven building blocks of winning campaigns, especially when compared with the structure Clinton has assembled.

“Donald Trump asks what the African American community has to lose by voting for him”, said Marlon Marshall, Clinton’s director of state campaigns and political engagement, in a statement.

Trump did bring aboard some new campaign consultants in July. Hedge fund billionaire Robert Mercer, who contributed $2 million to a pro-Trump super political action committee in July, is an investor in Cambridge.

“It also keeps her profile lower”, he said, “which allows the circular firing squad of the Trump campaign to continue”.

Two weeks after campaign manager Corey Lewandowski was ousted, the Trump campaign sent his firm, Green Monster Consulting, another 20,000 dollar (£15,300) cheque. That’s about the same amount it had paid him each month while he was running the campaign. Conway has gained Trump’s trust and is seen as someone who can communicate campaign weaknesses to the businessman better than Manafort, who irritated Trump with his emphasis on moderating in the general election. She took credit – and then blame- for writing Melania Trump’s speech at the Republican National Convention that included similar lines from Michelle Obama’s speech at the 2008 Democratic National Convention.


The campaign valued McIver’s time, accounted for as payroll from the Trump Organization, at $356.01.

Donald Trump